Hello Friends,
I am Dr. Shubhashree Patil, Diabetologist, Diabetes And Wellness Clinic, Mumbai. Diabetes is a huge burden in our society. India is a world capital in diabetes. What is diabetes? It is a metabolic disorder where we have a high blood sugar level. What are its symptoms? Excessive thirst, urination, sweating, hunger. What are the types of diabetes? Type 1 and 2. Type 1 occurs in a younger age group. These patients are treated with insulin whereas in type 2 diabetes the problem lies with the insulin utilization. This type of diabetes treated by lifestyle, diet modification, medicines and insulin. Another diabetes is gestational diabetes. These patients need to manage well during pregnancy as it may result in diabetes in the child also.
How do we diagnose it? We diagnose it by doing the blood test. Who are at the risk of diabetes? Each one of us is at the risk of diabetes if we have a sedentary lifestyle, obese, BMI is more than 30, genetic factors. The lady who has delivered a baby more than 4 KG is also at the risk of diabetes. If pre-diabetics can be detected early so we can prevent this problem. 2 types of complications can occur in diabetes. short and long term. What are the investigations that are done for diabetics? We do an important test called HbA1c. We do a urine test on a regular basis, serum creatinine, ECG, eye examination. How do we do its management? We take a thorough detail of the patient.
We look for the peripheral pulses so that we can advice the patient preventive measures. We give a customised diet plan to the patient. Lifestyle advice is given to the patient. We do the consultation of the patient by taking past history. We do clinical examination of the patient. We do neurological examination as well. With us it is possible to record the entire conversation of the Dr and the patient. So, that patient can hear it again at the home. We give all the dos and don'ts to the patient. Eating advice are also given to the patient. We give another sheet where precautions are mentioned which needs to be taken. In case of low blood sugar level, instructions are given at the sheet. We suggest them exercises which a patient has to do. Instruction on diabetic foot care and balanced meal. We also come to know that how successfully are we treating the patient. In this way we are able to give good diabetes care to the patient.
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