Diabetes Management
Hello everyone,
Myself Dr. Prashant Ruikar. I am practicing homeopath in navi Mumbai khargar.
Today I am going to share my views about diabetes. The reasons for choosing diabetes to share my views is because we have been reading news in the papers that soon we are going to be the diabetic capital of the world and we are also going to be the most populous country in the world surpassing the china. In such situation the diabetes, the burden of diabetes in the health care system in India is going to be very huge and as a homeopath we are going to play a very important role in the management of diabetes. Diabetes is not the disease of pancreas only, to explain this I would like to give an example of a car. If you are driving in a car and going to a beautiful destination and suddenly tire get puncture, the most logical solution seems to be get puncture done or to replace the tire. The same thing cannot be applicable to human body. Because it consist of very different systems interrelated to each other and one cannot be healthy without other so for the management of diabetes the holistic approach is very important. We are all made by nature and it has put in the healing mechanism in us. If we remain sensitive and sensible towards nature and other human beings we can remain healthy as long as we live. So as far as the management of diabetes concerns, the most logical solution seems to be controlling the blood sugar, but the data and research says that this approach has not given the desired results till now. The most, the two important factors in management of diabetes is diet management and stress. Diet is important because nowadays we are eating food which may be equal to 100 people. Human genes are falling into the category of thrifty genes which means it needs very less food to survive and excess of food that we are eating is directly converted into fat and again this excessive fat make more sugar, you crave for more food, excess of fat is generated and this cycle goes on. So controlling your diet is very important factor in management of diabetes. Other important factor in management of diabetes is stress. So how stress Is having impact on diabetes. I would like to give an example of snake. Imagine yourself in a room and suddenly you come across a snake. What happens in your body is, you suddenly get a stress response in your body. Stress hormones increases. It comes to your liver and it stimulates your liver to secrete more and more glucose. Glucose come to your blood and you get energy to run away. Similar things happen with other things also. Your heart rate increases, breathing rate increases. Now in real life situation we are surrounded by such imaginary snakes. May be at your house, at your work place, but there you do not have the choice to run away from them and this constant stress have very bad impact on your health. So stress management is another important factor in management of diabetes. As far is medicine management is concerned in homeopathy we use medicines which are proved on healthy human beings and not animals in the lab and homeopathy medicines work the principle of harmonies. In simple words any medical substance in small quantity has bio positive impact on human health. It stimulates the human immune system in positive way. And any medical substance in large quantity have very toxic impact on human health. So homeopathy medicines are suitable and safe to all the human beings. I request all the patient not to judge the impact of homeopathy medicine only on the basis of blood reports they are getting. Because approach to management of diabetes, diabetes is a multi-system disorder and you should see that a medicine which is giving you a wellbeing feeling, which is giving you energy to carry on your routine in a positive way is best medicine for you and homeopathy do exactly like that. We are standing on all the human evolutions, standing at a point where holistic approach to health is very important. The whole medicine system standing to a point where we should adopt a new approach called WPH, that is whole person healing.
To know more about whole person healing you can follow me on Lybrate.
Thank you.