Diabetic Neuropathy - Treat it with Ayurvedic Remedies
Diabetes is a group of metabolic disorder in which the blood glucose level remains persistently high and requires lifelong medications, diet control and several other factors to maintain it in the normal level. Person having diabetes commonly end up with a serious complication called as ‘diabetic neuropathy’. It is also referred as peripheral neuropathy in which the peripheral nerves which are responsible for caring the impulse towards and away from the brain get affected. The symptoms may vary depending upon the type of nerve that gets affected but most commonly people may experience pain, numbness and tingling sensation over the arms and lower extremities.
The most important thing to be done in curing diabetic neuropathy is to maintain the blood sugar level to normal always with proper medication, diet and adequate physical exercises. Ayurveda uses few precious herbs to cure diabetic neuropathy, which are identified by our ancestors before many decades. Some of the herbs are:
- Ashwagandha which is also referred as Indian Ginseng is the best herb which has many medicinal effects and mainly used for ailing the disorders of nervous system. This herb acts on the nerves and also improves the strength and physical stamina. It also used for relieving the pain over the calf muscles, loss of weight because of diabetes, neuropathy, stress, frequent urination and nerve exhaustions.
- Manjishtha is an herb used in Ayurveda as a treatment for several diabetic complications. It treats not diabetic neuropathy, but also cures diabetic nephropathy and retinopathy. It acts as a best remedy for several chronic infections and inflammations. It has been noted that it has a calming effect on the nervous system thus it can also be used for the treatment of epilepsy.
Ayurvedic treatment for diabetic neuropathy
- Abhyangam, in which the whole body is massaged gently with the medicated oil to improve the circulation of blood, causes nerve stimulation effect and also relieves stress. They concentrate mainly on the foot (Padabhyanga) which is commonly affected in neuropathy.
- Sirodhara deep relaxation and revitalisation of the central nervous system which is found to get affected in neuropathy.
- Ksheeradhoomam, it is a process done for the problems of nervous system and other neck problems by applying special type of medicated steaming. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult an Ayurveda.
Updates From Lybrate: A Good and healthy Diabetic diet of nutritious products can help in managing the diabetes problem. You can check out diabetic dietary supplements available on Lybrate.