Dysmenorrhea - Can Ayurveda Help?
There are many women for whom menstruation can be a real nightmare. From menstrual cramps and pain (spasmodic pain, can be a shooting, throbbing or a dull pain) to nausea and vomiting, the struggle is at another level altogether. The complications and discomfort are all characteristics of a condition termed as Dysmenorrhea. Many women with dysmenorrhea have had significant improvement, all thanks to Ayurveda! In this article, our discussion will mainly center around dysmenorrhea and the Ayurvedic treatment to overcome this problem.
Dysmenorrhea and Ayurveda
Dysmenorrhea is referred to as Kashtartav in Ayurveda. Apana Vayu, a subclass of Vata or wind dosha and mainly located in the pelvic region (pelvic floor) plays a significant role in menstruation. It is this Apana Vayu that controls and regulates the menstruation or Aartav in women (ensures that there is a healthy and normal menstrual cycle). The Apana Vayu usually flows in a down and out direction. Aggravation of this Vayu affects its natural flow. As a result, the Apana Vayu flows in an inward direction into the uterus triggering uterine pain and spasmodic pain during discharge of the menstrual blood (Raja).
- Thus, restoring the Vata balance and ensuring unobstructed and free flow of the Vata in the proper direction can go a long way in reducing the complications and discomfort associated with dysmenorrhea.
- In this regard, Panchakarma, especially Uttar Basti and Anuvasan Basti deserve a special mention.
- Uttar Basti is mainly carried out to clear blockages that may be affecting the uterus, ensuring its proper nourishment. The procedure is simple and involves the administration of herbal medicines inside the uterus (Garbhashay).
- Anuvasan Basti is a little different from Uttar Basti. The main aim of Anuvasan Basti is to restore the healthy and normal menstrual blood flow sans any pain and discomfort by ensuring an unobstructed movement of the Vata Dosha in a downward direction (rather than being inward as is the case in dysmenorrhea).
- For this purpose, the patient is given various decoction enema and medicated oils that work wonders to reduce the discomfort.
- As for the diet, avoid stale and cold food. Instead, go for foods that are warm and contain generous amounts of ghee.
- Foods prepared using warm spices (coriander, cumin, cinnamon) are also recommended.
- Drink water and other healthy fluids at regular intervals. A hydrated body acts as a catalyst keeping the Rasa Dhatu healthy and nourished.
- Avoid caffeinated drinks as they can have deleterious consequences.
- Avoid stress and anxiety. Meditation and yoga can play a pivotal role to keep you relaxed (physically, mentally as well as emotionally), thereby reducing the discomfort.
- The use of castor oils (avoid during menstruation) can produce positive results in the case of dysmenorrhea by ensuring proper nourishment of the Apana Vayu.
- Ginger tea, fennel tea, or a Dashamula tea can be very soothing.