Eat Your Way To A Healthy Heart With These 7 Superfoods
It is often said that, you are what you eat, but did you know that eating certain foods, referred to as superfoods, can support a healthy heart? They are so effective at healing and strengthening the heart that people who eat these foods may almost never suffer from heart disease or heart attack.
The 7 heart healthy superfoods are:
1) Oranges
They reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and the incidence of congestive heart failure (CHF). They contain pectin which absorbs artery clogging cholesterol therefore, ensuring more efficient heart function. The potassium in them absorbs salt and lowers blood pressure.
2) Kale
It prevents atherosclerosis - hardening of the arteries with its antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, folate, potassium, vitamin E, and lutein.
3) Garlic
It lowers blood pressure and prevents plaque from forming in the arteries. It has minerals and vitamins which keep the brain from producing angiotensin, an enzyme which constricts blood vessels. In fact, clinical studies have shown that regular consumption of garlic slowed plaque growth and hardening by 50%.
4) Red wine
It promotes production of HDL (good cholesterol) which prevents blood clots from forming in the heart. It also contains polyphenols which keeps blood vessels flexible and constantly pushes blood.
5) Dark chocolate
It is rich in flavanols which makes blood vessels more flexible. This also reduces blood pressure.
6) Sardines
They contain omega-3 fatty acids which lower triglycerides (harmful cholesterol) levels, raise good cholesterol levels, lower heart arrhythmias, and reduce the inflammation which disrupts plaque, causing it to break away from arteries and form the clots that lead to heart attack.
7) Lentils
They contain lean proteins and fiber which reduce blood pressure. People who regularly eat lentils greatly reduce their risk of death from heart disease. They are full of potassium, folate, and magnesium - all minerals which protect the heart from damage done by anti-oxidants.
While heart diseases may not be completely preventable, their risks and effects can be dramatically mitigated by eating the superfoods mentioned above.