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For Doctors
Last Updated: Jan 10, 2023
Feeling the Sting of Sunburn? These Tips Can Help!
If sunburn is taking the mickey out of your fun time in the sun or your summer vacation, then you may want to read this article or pin it up where you can see it every day. Sunburn is something that does not show up immediately. It can happen when you have been in the sun for too long a time, and without the protection of proper clothing, hats, glares and sunscreen lotions.
So what can you do when you feel that first sting of sunburn? Here's our list!
- Swift Action: You will need to act fast towards cooling down the onset of a sunburn. Taking a quick dip in a pool or a lake if you are near one can help in soothing the area so that the sunburn is not too bad. Also, you can then cover yourself up and step indoors immediately, where you will be properly shaded from the sun. You can continue with the cool treatment by using a cold or ice compress to press around the area that is burning or has been most affected. Remember to stay away from the exact spot as it may lead to inflammation.
- Avoid Drying: Do not let the area become too dry. Take frequent showers but stay away from harsh soaps as they may make the area dry which leads to chapping and pain.
- Breathe: Allow the skin to breathe. Do not obstruct the area with too many items of clothing and wear cotton fabric or other light weight clothing that will protect the area and let the skin breathe. Stay away from tight clothes as this may lead to chafing of the skin and the sunburns.
- Moisturise: One good way of getting rid of sunburns quickly is to moisturise as soon as you have had a bath or a shower. This will help in locking in moisture which is not really possible when you moisturise the surface later. Use a gentle lotion or cream based moisturiser and stay away from products that contain petroleum gel as this may irritate the skin further and clog the area instead of getting absorbed into the skin.
- Inflammation: Tackle inflammation by taking corticosteroids or other anti inflammatory drugs. These should be prescribed by a doctor. Aloe Vera can also be used to soothe the inflammation.
- Hydrate: Drink plenty of fluids for fast regeneration of the skin cells and so that the burns do not draw the fluid from the surface if the skin.
Take all the necessary precautions before you step out for some fun in the sun with proper sunscreen and protective clothing as well!