FUT or FUE Which is Right for You?
Hair transplant procedures are preferred when opting for hair-loss solutions as they are not only a permanent solution to hair-loss, but with the advent of modern technology, it also looks very natural. Today surgeons are capable of transplanting and extracting large number of hair follicles. Currently there are two major methods via which hair transplant procedure is performed. They are known as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation). Read on more to find which one you should opt for.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):
Follicular Unit Extraction is a hair transplant procedure, in which the hair transplant physicians extract each hair follicle directly from the scalp. It is done randomly and it results in lower density of hair in the donor area which is not noticeable in most cases.
- Pain Management: In FUE, stitches are unnecessary and there is no existence of any linear scar, so healing time is short and there is almost non-existent post procedural discomfort.
- Scarring: There is no linear scarring as such in FUE but there are 1mm in diameter or less puncture marks which heal by themselves within 3 to 7 days.
Follicular Unit Transplant
Follicular Unit Transplant or FUT is the procedure of transplanting your hair by removal of a small strip of tissue from the back of your head. Hair follicles are extracted from there for further use. FUT is recommended in cases of advanced hair loss. FUT also recommended as in most cases, your physician will be able to deliver results which meet your expectations.
- Pain Management: FUT procedure can cause some pain as swelling may occur in the region from where the tissue has been extracted. Suitable medication can be prescribed by your physician in case the pain persists.
- Scarring: Opting for a FUT procedure results in a very thin linear scar in the donor region. The scar is very much concealable as it is visible only if you opt for the shortest haircut styles.