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Last Updated: Aug 29, 2019

H1N1 Flu Spreading Wings - How Well Are You Prepared?

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Dr. Arun KumarGeneral Physician • 10 Years Exp.MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
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The sudden spread of the Influenza-A (H1N1) virus has left the Karnataka government a bit worried as the death toll this year has reached 6 with two fresh casualties in Bengaluru.

The government has alerted all the districts and has ordered to take the preventive measures to combat the prevalent disease. A total of 4,902 H1N1 cases have been tested positive this year across the country, out which 456 have been registered in Karnataka only.

What is H1N1 flu?

It is also known as swine flu because of its past. Initially, people go got infected with it used to be in direct contact with pigs. It is a respiratory disease which is caused by influenza viruses that infect the respiratory tract of pigs leading to barking cough, decreased appetite, nasal secretions, etc. The molecules released by the infected pigs quickly get transmitted to humans turning the flu into a pandemic.

How does H1N1 flu prevail?

It spreads just like seasonal flu. It is transmitted from one person to another through sneeze or cough. The small molecules released while sneezing or coughing stay alive in the air and whenever another person comes in contact with these drops, he/she also gets infected by the virus. It also gets transmitted when someone touches the things used by an infected person.

H1N1 Flu Symptoms:

Swine Flu has similar symptoms to the seasonal flu. They include:

H1N1 flu, however, can lead to more serious ailments like pneumonia, lung infection and breathing problems. It worsens the situation in case the patient is already a diabetic or asthma patient.

Ways to diagnose H1N1 infection:

Due to various similarities in the symptoms of seasonal flu and swine flu, the doctor has to run a swab up inside the nose around the back of the throat of the patient. The doctors, however, use this method only on those having life threatening issues due to swine flu.

H1N1 Treatment:

The doctors prescribe same anti-viral drugs for swine flu that are given to treat seasonal flu. Oseltamivir (Tamiflu), peramivir (Rapivab) and zanamivir (Relenza) are some drugs that fetch best results.

Consuming antibiotics will solve no purpose in H1N1 flu as it is caused by virus, not bacteria.

H1N1 flu prevention:

The vaccinations are a good option to keep swine flu at bay but here are some more preventive tips that can be of help:

  • Keep your hands clean
  • Use alcohol-based hand-sanitizer
  • Do not touch your eyes, mouth or nose
  • Try to maintain a safe distance from infected people

Preventive tips for family members and colleagues of a swine flu patient:

  • They should ensure they cover their mouth while sneezing or coughing
  • They should wear a mask while sharing the same room or cabin with the infected person
  • They should wash their hands with soap and water multiple times a day
  • They should avoid using or touching the clothes or other products used by the infected person

H1N1 flu is a deadly pandemic that is causing serious issues for the people as well as the government in Karnataka. Everyone should be aware of the preventive measures to keep themselves as well as their families safe in such a situation. If you also have any of the symptoms of swine flu, you should immediately visit a doctor to diagnose the problem.