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Last Updated: Apr 01, 2019

H1N1 Infection Kills 70 In Maharashtra - How To Stay Safe?

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Dr. Arun KumarGeneral Physician • 10 Years Exp.MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
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H1N1 infection, more commonly known as Swine Flu, has gripped Maharashtra badly and has so far accounted for over 70 deaths in the state. More than 700 people have been hospitalised and the number is increasing rapidly.

The infection, which has worst affected cities like Pune and Nashik, has brought a bunch of viral diseases including dengue.

What is H1N1 infection?

It is a respiratory disease which is caused by influenza viruses that infect the respiratory tract of pigs and eventually result in a barking cough, nasal secretions, decreased appetite and listless behaviour. It quickly gets transmitted to humans and turns into a pandemic.

How does it prevail?

It spreads its wings in a very similar manner as seasonal flu. When people sneeze or cough, they release tiny drops of virus into the air. Whenever another person comes in contact with these drops, he/she also gets infected by the virus. It can also spread by using or touching the things touched by the infected person.

H1N1 Symptoms:

The symptoms of the disease are also very much similar to the seasonal flu. They include:

Swine flu can lead to more serious problems that include pneumonia, a lung infection and other breathing problems. In ailments like diabetes and asthma, it can make the situation even worst.

How is H1N1 infection diagnosed?

As there are many similarities in the symptoms of seasonal flu and swine flu, the doctor runs a swab up inside your nose around the back of your throat. The method, however, is not used on everyone but only on those who are at risk of life threatening problems because of swine flu.

How To Treat H1N1 Infection?

Some of the anti-viral drugs used to cure seasonal flu are used to treat swine flu also. Oseltamivir (Tamiflu), peramivir (Rapivab) and zanamivir (Relenza) are some of the best kinds of drugs that fetch best results.

Taking antibiotics will do no benefit as swine flu is caused by virus, not bacteria.

Can vaccination keep swine flu at bay?

The flu vaccine which keeps away seasonal flu also protects against N1H1 infection.

How to prevent H1N1 infection?

Apart from vaccinations, there are some other ways also to keep yourself healthy:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water
  • Use alcohol-based hand-sanitizer
  • Do not touch your eyes, mouth or nose
  • Try to maintain safe distance from infected people

Prevention is always better than cure! At the time when the pandemic is quickly spreading across the country, people should be more cautious about their health. If you also have the symptoms of the disease, you should immediately visit a doctor to diagnose it and start with the treatment.