Health Benefits of Palak (Spinach)
Spinachis a rich source of vitaminA and reduces the risk of eye diseases, like night blindness, itching eyesand eye ulcers. Components like beta carotene, lutein, xanthenes and zeaxanthinact as strong antioxidants and protectthe eyes from the harsh effects of UV rays, further lowering the chances ofcataract formation and are all beneficial for maintaining overall good eyesight.
· Spinachis also rich in potassiumand low in sodium. The former is known to lower the blood pressure while thelatter is known for increasing it. Therefore, spinach, included in a regulardiet brings the blood pressure down to normal levels. The amount of folatepresent in spinach also reduces hypertension, relaxes blood vessels andmaintains a proper blood flow.
· Spinachis rich in mineralslike manganese, copper, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus which help in building strong bones and lowering the chances of osteoporosis. It is also a good sourceof vitamin K, which functions in retaining calcium in the bone matrix, leadingto bone mineralization.
· Ithas been found that spinach has the ability to protect the mucous membrane of stomach, thereby decreasing the occurrence of gastric ulcers.
· Studiesshow that spinach lowers the cancer risk by 34%, particularly breast cancer,cervical cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer and stomach cancer. Componentslike vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, tocopherol, chlorophyllin, folic acid andfiber are considered beneficial in fighting against cancer cells.
· Spinachis a great source of magnesium, a mineral which is known to preventcomplications occurring after diabetes. And regular consumption of spinachstabilizes blood sugar levels and prevents it from fluctuating too much.
· Anotherimportant mineral, iron, which is found abundantly in spinach, is known to reproduce red blood cells, thereby preventing chances of anemia. The same ironis also useful for boosting the body’s metabolism, leading to more fat burningand giving way to reduce weight.
· Itis advisable for pregnant women to include spinach in their regular diet asfolate found in it is needed by the growing fetus for development of a newnervous system. Also, vitamin A present in spinach is required for the lungdevelopment of the fetus as well as during breast feeding.
· Folatefound in spinach aids in reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Vitamin Bprotects the skin against the harmful effects of UV radiations. And finally,the high alkaline properties in spinach make it a perfect food for peoplesuffering from inflammatory ailments, like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.