Healthy Dieting Tips!
Why indulge in many so-called fancy diets for weight loss when already our Indian culture is well prepared with the best system of eating with all nutrients grown nearby. Before trying new fancy routine just adhere to a normal basic routine of eating what your parents, grandparent used to follow with slight changes & see results in 15 days or a month, if you don't see any result (which is not possible) then go for so-called fancy diets or lifestyle.
First of all, it will be not that difficult to stick to your basic routine and lifestyle as compared to different fancy diets for which you have to spend your extra money and time both. No need to cut on your carbs, proteins & fats at all. Just use them judiciously. No need for expensive coffee, tea, fruits, cereals (imported one) which don't sync with your genes even. Try to have your genes friendly cereals (wheat, jau, bajra, makka, seasonal, locally available fruits and veggies from which your body feels free to assimilate nutrients. No starving, be positive & have proper sleep
Just feel the difference and think twice before trying different fancy diets.