Hearing Loss In Children - Signs & Symptoms You Must Know!
You may find out that your child is suffering from hearing loss when he is born or he may be diagnosed with the condition later in life. Hearing loss in children is commonly caused by otitis media, birth problems and on the account of certain injuries or illnesses.
Signs and symptoms
The early stage symptoms of hearing loss in children are as follows:
No reaction to extremely loud noises
No response or reaction to your voice
The child makes some sounds, which taper off
The other symptoms which follow include:
He may pull and rub his ears.
He may act cranky constantly without any proper reason.
He might stop paying attention.
Low energy levels are indicated.
He may find it hard to follow directions.
He may ask you to increase the volume of the radio or TV.
Fever and ear pain are also likely symptoms.
Early hearing loss can affect your child’s language learning skills. If the problem is diagnosed and treated soon, the problem with language can be avoided. The method of treatment depends on the cause of hearing loss in your child and the severity of hearing loss.
There are certain medicines for hearing---prescribed by your ENT Surgeon. Pleas take the point watchful waiting. Even if you have slightest doubt of hearing loss contact ENT immediately.
The primary treatment methods of hearing loss in children include the following:
Watchful waiting: Sometimes, the condition may resolve on its own and the treatment involves simple monitoring of your child for positive changes.
Medicines: There are certain medicines for hearing loss in children, which may be prescribed by your pediatrician.
Ear tubes: Ear tubes may be recommended if medicines and monitoring do not work. The tubes allow fluid to drain and help in preventing infections. A minor surgery has to be undertaken on your child for getting the ear tubes placed. This will solve the hearing loss and other related issues.
Hearing aids: Hearing aids may be used to allow your child hear better. It is safe for children to use ear tubes after the age of one month. For the right hearing aid for your child, you need to consult a hearing specialist.
Implants: Cochlear implants are used to treat hearing loss in many children. These are electronic devices which are put in the inner ear to benefit hearing. These should be used only if hearing aids did not succeed and these are meant to be used only in case of children with serious hearing problems.