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Last Updated: Oct 23, 2019
4 Ayurvedic Remedies For High Blood Pressure!
One of the most common problems to affect men and women of all ages is high blood pressure. If your blood pressure consistently shows a reading that is higher than 140 over 90 you may be suffering from high blood pressure. High blood pressure on its own is not fatal, but it can lead to a number of problems including strokes and higher vulnerability to heart attacks.
An unhealthy lifestyle is one of the biggest causes for high blood pressure. Thus making conscious lifestyle changes such as leading a more active life and eating more fruits and vegetables can help manage high blood pressure. Ayurveda also has a number of ways to manage and treat high blood pressure. Some of these are:
- Garlic cloves: Garlic has a number of antiseptic properties and is also beneficial towards slowing down the pulse rate and helps smoothen the heart’s rhythm. To use garlic, include it in your regular food or better still, chew 2-3 fresh, raw cloves of garlic a day.
- Watermelon: Watermelon is rich in L-citrulline, an amino acid which has the ability to lower blood pressure. It is also loaded with fiber, vitamin A, potassium and lycopenes which also help lower blood pressure levels. To benefit from watermelon, it can be eaten as it is or dried watermelon seeds can be crushed and mixed with cuscus powder and water to be drunk twice a day. The powder made from dried watermelon seeds can also be steeped with boiling water to create a tea that should be consumed every morning and evening.
- Amla or Indian gooseberries: This herb is associated with a number of health benefits and can help lower cholesterol, hypertension and help stabilize blood circulation. To use amla in the treatment of high blood pressure, crush and extract the juice of 4-5 amlas and have 2 teaspoons of this juice mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey every morning. This also strengthens the digestive system and prevents the build up of toxins inside the body.
- Yoga: Yoga asanas can also help stabilize the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and thus regulate blood pressure. To treat high blood pressure, begin by sitting in the Siddhasana posture and practising the Anjali Mudra. This helps reduce stress and anxiety. Follow this by the Supta Padangusthasana and then the Matsya Kridasana. Simple anulom vilom and other such breathing exercises can also help lower high blood pressure.