High Blood Pressure - Homeopathic Remedies For It!
Hypertension or high blood pressure in common parlance is caused by irregular blood circulation in the blood vessels. High blood pressure has been an established cause for several fatal and critical heart diseases. Middle aged individuals are more prone to heart diseases caused by high blood pressure. Doctors also caution those with stressful lifestyles to keep the blood pressure levels in control. While there are prescribed drugs aimed at curing high blood pressure troubles, a large number of people are reposing their trust in homeopathy for treating high blood pressure. Among a long drawn process of cures, homeopathic treatments are extremely effective and trustworthy methods:
1. Aconitum
Certain high blood pressure conditions have sudden outbursts. It inflicts a fear of dying and acute anxiety. Aconitum abates such situations.
2. Argentum Nitricum
At times high blood pressure occurs due to anxiety and mental agitations. Argentum Nitricum is an effective remedy in curing such conditions.
3. Natrum Muriaticum
Certain high blood pressure conditions arise due to suppressed anger and stress. Harrowing events of the past and unsolved issues can induce heightened blood pressure levels. Natrum Muriaticum is a perfect solution for such troubles.
4. Veratum Viride
Veratum Viride helps in reducing arterial tension and normalizing cardiac palpitations.
5. Natural Supplements
For a variety of ailments caused by high blood pressure, homeopathy offers certain natural supplements like Co enzyme, Hawthorne, Omega-3, Vitamin E for remedying blood pressure concerns. It improves heart function and prevents blood clotting.
6. Ignatia
To heal high blood pressure caused by emotional upsurges, grief and trauma, Ignatia can be perceived as a useful remedy.
7. Belladonna
This is an emergency medical condition caused by vigorous throbbing of arteries which may progress to haemorrhaging. Belladonna goes a long way in taming such untoward medical emergencies.
8. Lachesis
Certain bodily changes result in high blood pressure, especially in the cases of women. During the onset of menopause, high blood pressure becomes a common concomitant. Lachesis is used to treat such issues.
9. Glonoinum
On certain occasions blood pressure level shoots up due to heat and excess exposure to the sun. Glonoinum is aimed at controlling the blood pressure levels in those situations.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!