Homeopathic Remedies For Hair Loss!
Hair can be one’s best feature or worst nightmare! Hair is something that one notices first about a person, and it’s up to us to maintain it. But as we age, we encounter various types of hair problems and hair loss can be extremely embarrassing if not checked in time.
There are a gazillion products in the market today that promise to keep hair loss under control. But most of them are cosmetic and only offer temporary solutions. The best way to deal with hair loss is to nip it in the bud. To do this, we must understand what hair loss actually is and why it happens.
Hair loss is referred to thinning of hair and the medical term for this is alopecia. It can happen to both men and women due to a number of reasons:
- Genetic
- Stress
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Obesity
- Hormonal changes
- Diabetes and high blood pressure
- Pregnancy
- Physical trauma to the head
- Exposure to pollution
- Skin infections on scalp
- Side effects of some drugs
Men can experience hair loss beginning at the temples and the crown while in womenit usually occurs at the frontal and parietal region of scalp.
If alopecia is not treated in time, it can lead to permanent hair loss or baldness, not to mention low self-esteem and reclusive behaviour. If conventional ways haven’t worked for you, it’s time you considered homeopathy as an alternative. Depending upon what your cause of hair loss is, you can consult a homeopathy doctor who will prescribe the medicines accordingly. There are several treatments designed to slow down hair loss, stimulate the skin of the scalp and promote new hair growth.
Why homeopathy?
The best reason for trying homeopathic treatments is that there is no fear of side effects. Also, homeopathy may work slowly, but it does achieve the desired results in time. It is a safe and effective way to get rid of hair loss problems and can be administered easily to children as well.
Besides medication, one should also try and improve their lifestyle and eat a balanced diet. You must try and include foods that contain the Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, iron, Vit B and plenty of protein, as these will go a long way in keeping your hair strong and healthy. Don’t live with doubt or fear and don’t let alopecia stop you from living your life. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a Homeopathic Doctor.