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Last Updated: Feb 25, 2020

Homeopathic Remedies To Help You Manage Stress Symptoms, Before Stress Manages You!

Dr. Sandip SamantaHomeopathy Doctor • 13 Years Exp.BHMS, MD - Homeopathy, M.A. - Clinical Psychology
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Stress affects every aspect of our lives. It does not allow you to think or focus on anything else, tempts you to binge eat and takes control of your lifestyle. Stress can also cause severe health problems that can result in heart disease. Thus it is very necessary to learn how to control and manage stress. Managing your stress effectively can help you cope with it better and let your remain in control of your life.

Homeopathy is based on the belief that the mind and body are connected. Thus by treating one, the other can benefit as well. Thus when prescribing a form of treatment for any health condition, attention is always paid to the mental state of the patient. Homoeopathy believes in strict symptoms similarity, so we must found out the peculiar symptoms both in physical and mental level. Homeopathy can be very effective in treating and controlling stress and stress related problems. When treating stress with homeopathy, it is essential to first understand the cause of stress. Some common homeopathic remedies for stress are:

1. Arsenic Album
This is usually prescribed to people who are generally anxious and nervous. People affected by the stress of being late for an event or meeting can also be given this remedy to ease the stress. Patients who benefit from this form of treatment are also often hypochondriacs who constantly feel that every minor symptom is a sign of a major illness.

This is very effective remedy for all kinds of stress. It can also be used to treat stress triggered by uncertainty at the workplace and insecurity about not having enough money even though they work very hard.

3. Calcarea Carbonica
This is also a common homeopathic remedy for work place related stress. People who are concerned about being observed or stressed by an upcoming deadline can be benefited by this medication. This type of stress can commonly be seen at the time of appraisals.

4. Staphysagria
People who are extremely sensitive and feel that the world is unjust and unfair to them cab be benefited by Staphysagria. This is often faced by children bullied in school and people in corporate work environments. Staphysagria boosts confidence levels and thus makes the person feel less vulnerable.

5. Ignatia
Emotional stress is very well treated by Ignatia. This homeopathic remedy addresses feelings of disappointment and guilt and stress that follows an emotional loss such as the loss of a loved one or breaking up for a relationship. It also fights the desire to withdraw from family and friends and moodiness.

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