Homeopathic Treatment For Leprosy!
Leprosy is also known as Hansen’s disease. It is a chronic dermatological disorder caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium Leprae. The peripheral nerves and mucosa of the upper respiratory tract are affected by the bacteria. Leprosy starts by the appearance of scaly skin lesions. If not treated in the primary stage, it can progress rapidly and cause permanent damage to the skin. It can damage the eyes, nerves and limbs. Leprosy can be moderately contagious, therefore it is necessary for the patient to be quarantined during the course of the treatment to prevent the spread of disease among other family members.
It has been noticed that after prolonged homeopathy treatment, almost 80% cases have been cured and improved. The patients have recovered senses in their limbs; the wounds have improved and in some cases, miraculously disappeared.
Homeopathy and Leprosy
There have also been cases where patients have responded better to homeopathic treatment than the multi-drug treatment regime that most doctors prescribe to leprosy patients. This could be because homeopathy is the safest and a non-toxic remedy to most diseases that does not complicate the health by causing adverse side effects.
A wonder medicine used for the treatment of leprosy is an anti-syphilitic medicine called Mercurius Solubilis. With an extremely high potency of 200, it is known to be an excellent remedy for leprosy. Homeopathic medicines are selected based on the symptoms. First the treatment is done on the symptoms so as to provide relief as soon as possible. Homeopathic medicines then act on the root cause of the disease, also providing bacterial resistance. It helps to retard the progress of the disease. Along with it, homeopathic medicines also help to reduce lepra reactions, and start reviving the damaged nerves, limbs and skin. It also strengthens the immunity system.
Some combinations of homeopathic and natural medicines used to treat leprosy are:
1. Thuja
2. Sulphur
3. Tuberculinum
4. Calotropis
5. Chaulmoogra oil
6. Elaeis
7. Hydrocotyle
8. Apis