Bone And Joint Health - Tips To Ensure It!
Staying healthy involves a wholesome state of being where the mind and body are in perfect sync. A less than properly functioning body can leave you in a state of potential depression after a certain point of time, while a depressive mind can leave you feeling less than stellar where you end up imagining and experiencing pain. The health of your bones and joints is one such area that requires even more care as you start growing older. Wear and tear is just one of the reason for degeneration while fractures and injuries can lead to a sudden halt of the normal functioning of the bones and joints too. So how can you ensure bone and joint health in the long run?
Follow our tips!
- Eating Right: Pick calcium-rich food like dairy products that have a low-fat content, including milk and yoghurt. Also, have a daily dose of green, leafy vegetables and plenty of citrus fruit and juices for your fill of calcium. Further, food like eggs and soya beans which have lots of vitamin D can also help in retaining good bone and joint health. Vitamin C rich fruit like watermelon, oranges, squash and tomatoes also help in natural tissue and cartilage repair. And finally, get plenty of Vitamin K to retain good bone density for a prolonged period with ingredients like leafy green vegetables, eggs and cheese.
- Exercise: This is the key to good bone and joint health. Much like machinery and tools, the bones and joints of your body can also wither with disuse and prolonged inactivity. Make sure that you indulge in exercises like long walks and muscle strengthening exercises which will give your joints and bones a good amount of strength as well. Remember to speak with your doctor before you start a new exercise regime so that you avoid anything that may be harmful in case you have any other ailment. Low impact exercises will strengthen the spine, while fat burning and weight loss exercises will ensure that there is less pressure on the knees and lumbar area. Swimming and resistance building exercises can also be practised for these purposes.
- Self Restraint: A major factor in promoting better bone and joint health is holding back from all those things that can create problems in the long run, like smoking, drinking excessively and even too much consumption of caffeine and fatty food. All these things can create depletion of the natural bone mass. Also, switching to a lower heel for everyday wear footwear and changing your position during your time at your work station are a few things that will go a long way.
Take care of your bones and joints the right way today, for a healthier tomorrow.