How Garlic Helps In Reducing Hair Loss?
Untimely hair loss mainly happens due to various reasons. Both men and women can experience this problem at any time. But don’t worry because this problem can be regulated and stopped.
Conventional treatments involving garlic have started to gain popularity after a long time gap. This cooking ingredient has already proven its efficiency in regulating cholesterol and blood pressure, and so on. This has prompted people to ask- Can hair loss be reversed naturally with its help? In reality, this kind of ailment can also be treated by the plant as well.
Benefits -
When elders recommend eating garlic for hair growth, you should not underestimate their advice. It is because garlic consists of ingredients like selenium, manganese, vitamin C, vitamin B-6, and so on that are able to boost your hair health. Besides, there are other reasons to use garlic:
- The natural antifungal and antimicrobial properties of this plant contribute to nourishing your hair by eliminating germs and bacteria. This eventually keeps your scalp in good condition.
- Presence of components like keratinocytes keeps your hair follicles and scalp skin lively throughout the year.
- Boosts collagen production and improves blood circulation that further stimulates your hair growth.
- Reduces hair fall by strengthening and cleansing the follicles alongside prevents clogging of your scalp pores.
- It also helps to calm your scalp alongside deals with problems like dandruff
Home-made Garlic Conditioner -
Presently, the market is abundant with various hair oil and treatment products where garlic is the main ingredient. While consuming garlic for hair growth, you do have the chance to use conditioners that are prepared from this plant. But instead of purchasing them from a shop, save your money by preparing them at home. You only need:
- 8 fresh garlic cloves
- Strainer
- Small pan
- Carrier oil of two tablespoons
Preparation Methods -
- At first, the garlic should be crushed using a blender or fork
- Now put the pan in the heated oven and pour the oil to become warm
- After that, pour garlic in the warm oil and swirl it during fragrance emission
- Remove the hot pan and allow it to cool down
- Discard the pulp while pouring the mixture through a strainer
- Preserve the oil in a glass bottle or jar.
Usage Methods -
- Pour 2 tablespoons of oil into your palm
- Now, gently massage your scalp using the oily palm
- After massaging, wait until 10 to 15 minutes
- Finally, rinse your hair using a mild shampoo
Continue this process twice every week. This will help you to overcome the basic concern forever- Can alopecia (hair loss) be cured naturally?
Garlic Hair Mask -
Are you suffering from weak and thin hair? No doubt that, applying the garlic paste mask will solve your problem very easily. It is very easy to prepare this paste using ingredients like olive oil, pure, honey, and egg yolk. No doubt that administering this paste once in a week will help you to understand the influence of garlic for hair thickening in a better way.
Premature hair disappearance is a serious matter. However, you do have the chance to regulate this problem easily. Before planning to consult a doctor, use garlic oil and mask. This will help you to derive a long-lasting relief from this problem. In case, the desired outcome is not positive, contact your nearby doctor at once. Besides, you should also use other hair care products like Meso Care, Mesoflakes, and so on under the prescribed guidelines. This will help you to display shiny and healthy hair forever.