How To Control Common Skin Problems In Children?
Problems with the skin during the teenage years are very common. Although skin issues can be really stressful, the right skin care treatment can help in controlling the problems you may face during this time. Here are some of the skin issues that you may face at this stage of life and ways to prevent them:
1. Oily Skin: Oily skin is a very common occurrence during teenage years. To a certain extent, oily skin may be due to genetics but for some, it may be due to hormonal changes that cause excess oil to be produced on the skin surface. In order to not inflame the skin further, individuals with oily skin shouldn't overly scrub their skin as well as not use harsh cleansers to clean the face. More importantly, when you do use a cleanser on your face, you should only do so two times a day. If you go overboard, it would only do more harm than good.
2. Acne: Whether it is blackheads, whiteheads or spots filled with pus, acne affects about 80% of teenagers at some point in their lives. Teenagers are more prone to this problem because the hormone levels during this time are especially high, resulting in an increase in the magnitude of sebaceous glands and the oil that is produced. When too much oil is produced, this, along with dead skin cells block, the follicles, giving rise to acne. There are certain ways in which you can prevent it from occurring, such as always having a bath after any strenuous activity, not picking or touching the problem areas and washing acne-prone spots only two times a day.
3. Excessive Sweating: Excessive sweating is another major cause of concern for teenagers. The problem can be due to two different conditions - stress or hyperhidrosis (a condition wherein you sweat excessively on a daily basis). Wearing clothes made from cotton, using antiperspirants as well as avoiding drinks and foods that may cause episodes of excessive sweating are some of the ways in which you can keep the problem in control. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a dermatologist.