How To Prepare Yourself Before Breast Reconstruction?
Cancer can be very devastating, it can tear families apart. The cancer virus generally kills all the healthy cells in your body and starts to destroy your organs one by one. When a person is affected by breast cancer, their breasts have to be removed so that the cancer virus doesn’t affect the rest of the body. In the society which we live in we are fed with the notion that breasts are an integral part of a woman’s body and only voluptuous breasts make a woman look more attractive. Survivors who have won the fight against breast cancer have had to surgically remove their breasts for survival.
They are left with an empty spot in their body as well as their lives. So, in such cases breast reconstructive surgery becomes extremely important. Breast reconstruction surgery implants a mound in place of the actual breast. So that it looks like an actual breast with the nipples and the areola.
How to get ready for a breast reconstruction surgery?
1. You should quit smoking if you are a regular smoker.
2. Avoid certain vitamins or supplements as prescribed by your doctor before the surgery.
3. Take someone with you to stay back during and after the procedure for moral support and to assist you with your stay in a hospital.
Possible complications:
1. Infection can occur after the surgery.
2. Hematoma or pooling of blood.
3. The implants can also break through the skin.
4. The implants can rupture and the silicon or saline can leak from the breast tissues.
5. Hard scar tissues can form around the implant.
6. It might not be enough for a woman who has had larger breasts.
7. Implants don’t last life-long. It needs to be replaced after a point of time.
8. Radiation therapy might damage the implants.
9. It can leave a scar from the region where the extra tissue was taken for constructing the breast.
Methods of breast reconstruction surgery:
1. Tissue expander
2. Flap reconstruction
3. Abdominal flaps
4. Mold-assisted reconstruction
5. Direct to implant procedure