How To Prevent Stroke Caused By Hypertension?
Hypertension or high blood pressure, is considered to be a leading risk factor for a stroke. A stroke is defined as a medical condition in which poor blood flow to the brain causes the cells to die. It can result in severe and long-term disability, and in some cases it may even lead to death. To reduce your risk of suffering from a stroke, you will need to manage your blood sugar levels.
How is a stroke caused?
A stroke, which is often referred to as a brain attack, happens when the supply of blood to a particular region of the brain is cut off. The brain cells which are deprived of the oxygen and glucose, die. And if the ailment is not caught early, a permanent damage to the brain can occur.
High blood pressure and stroke: How are they related?
If your blood pressure levels are not controlled, it can increase your risk of a stroke by about four to six times. Long-term episodes of hypertension can cause atherosclerosis as well as hardening of major arteries. This often results in blockages of small blood vessels present in the brain. With high blood pressure for a long period of time, the blood vessels of the brain become weak and burst. This way the risk of a stroke is directly related to the high levels of blood pressure.
How to keep your blood pressure under control?
You can do many things to prevent the risk of suffering from a stroke. The very first thing you must try doing is, to keep your blood pressure level normal. A few simple lifestyle changes can also be of great help to lead a risk-free life and thus, you should have a healthy weight, and if you are obese shed those extra kilos.
Stick to a regular exercise regimen, workout for at least half an hour and say no to sedentary lifestyle practices. Eat a well-regulated diet which has fibre, proteins, potassium and Omega-3 fatty acids. Strictly, avoid eating junk food.
And even if after following a healthy routine, you fail to maintain your blood pressure then do not delay in consulting a doctor. He will be able to guide you right.