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Last Updated: Mar 20, 2024

Hysterectomy Surgery - Know the After Affects!

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Dr. K S AnamikaGynaecologist • 21 Years Exp.Advanced Infertility, MIS TRAINING, FICMCH, PGDS, MD - Obstetrtics & Gynaecology, MBBS, Masters in Reproductive Medicine(UK)
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What is a hysterectomy?

This is a surgery that is used to remove the ovaries or even the uterus. This surgery is usually conducted in order to deal with the extreme conditions that may be caused by the severe onset of various conditions related to the reproductive system of women. Read on to find out why this surgery carried out and what are the after effects?

Causes: This surgery can be carried out for a variety of reasons. One of the main reason is the manifestation of uterine fibroids that can cause severe pain and bleeding. These fibroids will have to be removed surgically and in case they have spread, the uterus will have to be removed entirely. Also, if the condition has spread to the ovaries, it may be imperative to remove the ovaries as well. Furthermore, if the patient is suffering from endometriosis, where the tissue has spread too much and cannot be contained merely by medication or other forms of treatment, then the doctor will have to conduct a hysterectomy surgery in order to remove the affected areas of the reproductive area. Also, other conditions for which this surgery may be required include adenomyosis, chronic pain in the pelvic area, cancer of the uterus, cervical cancer and uterine prolapse.

Procedure: A hysterectomy is performed under anesthesia, and the doctor makes a five to seven inch incision in the abdomen for an open surgery. The doctor will then continue to remove the uterus through this incision. Also, usually, the patient will have to spend about three to four days in the hospital following this surgery. A vaginal hysterectomy may also be conducted for certain cases, depending on the type and severity of the condition that has led to this form of treatment. For this kind of surgery, the incisions will be made in the vaginal area.

After effects: Starting from hormonal imbalances to early menopause, this surgery can leave significant after effects in its trail. The patients who have been through this surgery will be asked to abstain from heavy physical work that involves lifting heavy objects and bending. Also, the doctor will recommend abstinence from sex. One will have to avoid these things for a period of at least six weeks after the surgery. In many cases, the patient may also go through heavy menstrual bleeding.

Doctor visits: In case the bleeding and hot flashes are excessive, then the patient will have to consult a doctor and take further appointments so that the condition may not reoccur. Also, the doctor will usually prescribe supplements like vitamins, which must be taken on a regular basis after the surgery to avoid any complications at a later date.