Immunotherapy and Allergy Vaccination
Immunotherapy which is also known as allergy shots is a type of treatment which has long-term benefits. Immunotherapy helps in reducing the chance of different kinds of allergic issues to develop later in life. The chance of having allergic rhinitis, allergic asthma, stinging insect allergy and even conjunctivitis are all diminished with the help of these allergy shots. Allergy shots help your body become immune to different allergens which can later trigger an allergic reaction. Any individual, who notices symptoms for more than 3 months in a year and does not see the medicines make any significant headway, should definitely consider taking immunotherapy.
What is the Immunotherapy Treatment?
The treatment of immunotherapy allows the doctor to inject small doses of whatever substance you are allergic to, also known as allergens, under your skin. This procedure helps your body get used to the allergens which in turn help in reducing the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. For allergy shots, your doctor first carries out a test to determine which allergen is the patient allergic to. The doctor might then use weed, pollen or dust mites, molds and even animal dander as allergy shots.
In the beginning of the treatment, the doctor may give these allergy shots once or twice every week, depending on the need. Once the patient reaches the point of maintenance doses, the same dose is injected in the patient’s body every 2-4 weeks for up to 6 months. Once the 6 month period is also over, the dose is reduced to once a month. A checkup will be done by your allergist after a year to see whether the symptoms have become less severe or not. If there is no remarkable change witnessed then the doctor does not prescribe continuing the same treatment, however, if there is an improvement then you may have to continue taking the shots for up to 3 to 5 years.
Results of the Treatment
There is no definite assurance of being completely cured after taking immunotherapy as the allergy might return for some within a few years. For others at the same time, the allergy might show no sign of returning and the patient can be completely cured. Most of the times, this treatment is absolutely safe when given correctly. However, symptoms of asthma, hives and low blood pressure can be a matter of grave concern as it can be a life-threatening reaction. Emergency care should be provided immediately in such a case.