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Last Updated: Jan 10, 2023

Importance Of Moisturizing Regularly

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Dr. Deepa KanchankotiDermatologist • 27 Years Exp.MBBS, Diploma in Venerology & Dermatology (DVD), Diplomate of National Board (Dermatology)


Hi! I am Dr. Deepa Kanchankoti practicing dermatologist in Mumbai.

Today I’m going to speak on moisturization. The skin should be kept soft, supple and glowing all the time. The normal pH of skin is acidic close to 5.5 when we use soaps and detergents the pH rises and becomes alkaline . By using cynded baar or soaps with pH 5.5, we reduce the dryness and if you can apply within 3 min of bath or washing a moisturizing agent , the skin is always kept soft n supple we can say that for a new born alot of care is taken in term of moisturization but as the person grows they stop using mousturizing agents.

One should use load of moisturizing agent immediately after bath in case of face if the skin is very oily then one should a light moistening agent if the skin is dry then one should use heavy moisturizing agent the moisturizer content varies from season to season as in winters the frequency and the thickness of moisturizing agent becomes more in case of winters once the person becomes old the oil glands which normally produce lot of oil and keeps the Barriers Function on Also reduces this leads to lots of dryness leading to flacking and scratching. Once the scratching is to much it leads to bleeding an all this can be presented simply by applying repeatedly moisturizing agent all over hand and feet.

The same thing happens in case of certain disease condition as psoriasis, eczema, or atopic dermatitis or allergic contact dermatitis. if we can maintain the barrier function that reduces transepidermal water loss an cracking in the skin is prevented an use of medicine is reduced. On face a lot of people who are surfing from acnuue think that because is producing a lot of oil that is no need for them to use moisturizing agent where that is not correct by using a light moisturizing agent alot of skin medication which are used in acne which causes dryness can b prevented the same happens in case of photo aging or pigmentation on face any skin which well hydrated, well moisturized is less prone to the damage from the ultra violet rays and if you don’t want wrinkle early then you should start using a moisturizing agent early.

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