Importance Of Sunscreen
I am Dr. Shilpa Sankpal, Dermatologist. Today I will talk about the importance of the sunscreen. As everyone knows, nowadays because of the pollution our ozone layer is depleting and sunlight harmful damages are increasing. So, there is a lot of importance that why should we use sunscreen. As we know that sun has UVA and UVB light which is more dangerous for ur skin. It is not only tanning our skin, but it is also harmful to our DNA cells. It may cause many skin cancers also, It can cause pigmentation, lesions. That is the reason we should use sunscreen not only to prevent the tanning but also from the harmful radiation. There are many types of sunscreen available. As we know many of the skins are sensitive, dry, oily. And that is how we recommend the sunscreen as per the skin type. For sensitive skin we advice pure physical sunscreen which usually contains the zinc oxide. This kind of sunscreen we can recommend for kids also, they can use while playing in the ground and for swimming. 2nd is for the oily skin. The people who are having the pimples and a lot of oiliness on the skin. They require the matte finish sunscreen. These are the sunscreens are usually available in the gel form. After applying this sunscreen, men do not produce any kind of pimples. This will get absorbed nicely in the skin. They are also not shiny. So, people will like it whenever they are using it. Most of the sunscreen is water-resistant.
So, whenever you are going out in the rainy season, for swimming also you can use such kind of sunscreen. 3rd is when people have a very dry skin. In this type of skin, they need a moisturizer based sunscreen. So, this type of sunscreens will be available in the lotion form. So that along with protecting the skin from sunlight it will moisturize your skin also. Most of the sunscreen contains vitamin-C & E which has powerful antioxidants. Along with this, they will repair your skin damage which will happen because of sunlight. Sunscreen also heals your skin damage. People think why should we use sunscreen in the rainy season. You should use sunscreen 365 days and all the seasons because UVA light is very high and they even can penetrate the dark sky, So, we recommend even when you are indoor or outdoor. The best way to apply the sunscreen is to take a peanut size of the sunscreen quantity on your finger and apply with the fingertip all over your skin. It should be in a circular form. You should apply the sunscreen in the morning, mostly we recommend around 9 am, 12 pm, and 3 pm. So, we should apply every 3 hourly. But nowadays sunscreens are available for 8 hours protection. So, its requirement should be as equivalent to your brushing teeth. So, use sunscreen to keep your skin healthy, slowing forever. For more information, please visit
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