Impotency - Have Ayurveda At Your Rescue!
If male reproductive capacity is affected due to any malfunction, it's known as impotency. It may include the inability to perform sexual actions as well as inability or disorder to produce children. The condition may accompany mental or physical conditions, preventing from successfully performing sexual intercourse. Female impotency is called frigidity.
What Causes Male Impotency
Erectile dysfunction is one of the major impotency types. This dysfunction can be temporary or even permanent. It is important that erection has to be for ample time for successful penetration into the vagina so that sperms are injected into the uterus. Failure to do so leads to unsuccessful intercourse.
Natural Cure for Impotence
There are several ayurvedic treatments to fix erectile dysfunction. The major causes of erectile dysfunction include malfunctioning of the glands, tight foreskin or disordered limbs, use of drugs and sexual infections.
- One of the important ayurvedic medicines to cure it is 'VajikarmaAushadhis'.
- People suffering from such dysfunction should have more intake of high-protein diets.
- Other ayurvedic medicines that are recommended are mainly to strengthen muscles, veins as well as nerves so that proper erection is regained.
This may lead to impotency in men. Correct number of sperms is vital to bear a child, though it's just one sperm that is required for conceiving. Ideally, each per ml of semen contains over 20 million sperms. Oligospermia is a term coined for low sperm count, which refers to quality as well as quantity of sperm.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Low Sperm Count
Mucunapruriens, Indian ginseng and Tribulusterrestris help in increasing the quantity of the semen ejaculation.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Sexual Aversion
If there is a lack of interest in engaging oneself in sexual activity, it's known as sexual aversion leading to impotency. This may relate to either physical conditions or mental state. In the case of physical disorders, herbal medicines work. In the case of mental aversion, meditation may help.
Ejaculation disorders - Ayurvedic Treatment
Ejaculation disorder is a major reason for impotency in men. It has been divided into three types:
- Premature ejaculation: Discharge of semen immediately after penetration
- Inhibited ejaculation: Slow occurring ejaculation
- Retrograde ejaculation: Semen is discharged into the bladder itself instead of ejaculation through the urethra
Ayurvedic medicine suggested for this is consuming Indian ginseng powder with a glass of milk every day. Nutmeg also helps. Yoga and meditation are required to balance the mind as well as the body. A mixture of ginseng, milk and goat milk also helps.
Thousands of people suffer from impotence, which they often do not disclose. These tips would help to cure their problem.