Improve the Estrogen Hormones After Menopause
Dietary tips to stay fit after MenopauselL
Hi, myself Kanchan Patvardhan, I am a clinical nutritionist and dietician, working in this field from the last 19 years. Today I am going to speak about menopause. Lovely ladies if you are 45 plus, having depression, mood swings, lots of hot flashes, muscle cramps and such kind of problems, definitely you are going towards the menopausal stage. This is the time when you really require to take care of yourself and your health too. If you eat healthy diet you can easily overcome these problems, because poor diet worsens the symptoms.
In menopause stage generally estrogen hormone which is very essential for the ladies decreases and this is the root cause of your problem, proper diet and exercise definitely keeps you fit after menopause. So follow proper diet, include lots of complex carbohydrates, proteins, fats and minerals in your diet. Eat complex carbohydrates such as Jawar, Bajra, Raagi, brown rice etc. These will not only give you complex carbohydrate but also give you lots of fiber. So instead of just wheat you can try these cereals also. For protein, you must consume plant based proteins specially soya bean, soya protein because it contains phytoestrogen which act as an estrogen hormone and protects you from osteoporosis and heart diseases, so eat proper proteins in your diet. Your every meal should contain some or other proteins, such as legumes, beans, pulses, nuts. If you are non vegetarian you can take eggs or lean meat, but avoid red meat in such cases.
Now lets talk about fiber. Fiber is very essential in this stage not only in this stage but in every stages because if you eat proper fiber your digestion system will be proper your metabolism will be high and you will not face any weight gain problem which is one of the main issues during this period. For fibers you must consume lots of vegetables, salads, fruits, fruits will not only give you fibers but lots of antioxidants, micro-nutrients which will not only help you for your health but it will protect your skin too, because if you eat proper vitamin c it will give elasticity to your skin and if your skin is elastic then you wont have any wrinkles problem, protein will do the same work as well. Eat enough proteins, eat enough carbohydrates, keep your gut clean.
Last but not the least, drink plenty of water. Make sure you should do some or other exercises every day. Walking is the best exercise because it is self weight bearing exercise , you must walk 45 to 60 minutes everyday. You can do certain weight bearing exercises too because that will protect you from osteoporosis. Drink enough milk and calcium rich food because in this stage you really require good amount of calcium. 1200ml of calcium is required at this stage to keep your bones healthy.
So my dear ladies keep fit, eat healthy and stay healthy. For further information you can contact me on Lybrate.