Impulse Control Disorders - Know Reasons Of It!
A certain psychiatric condition which causes a person to be functionally impaired in social and occupational settings is known as Impulse Control Disorder. Most of you are granted with the ability to think before you act but it isn't the case for people suffering from such a condition. People diagnosed with this condition are not able to withstand the urge to do something detrimental to themselves or other people.
This condition is similar to other disorders such as kleptomania, compulsive gambling and pyromania to name a few. Although people suffering from this disorder do not plan their acts, the acts they do perform generally fulfil their conscious wishes. Other disorders of such similar nature like Kleptomania and ADHD, which are associated with difficulty in controlling impulses but that is not their chief feature. Patients of impulse control disorder find it highly distressful and are hence often seen to lose control of their actions and consequently their lives.
What causes this disorder?
Some medical practitioners are of the opinion that this disorder is a subgroup of other conditions such as stress, anxiety, OCD and other such. Scientists and researchers are not particularly sure what causes this condition but have determined that it can be caused due to a combination of physiological, emotional and psychological factors pertaining to cultural and societal aspects. Also, certain brain structures linked to emotions and memory functions in and around the frontal lobe are linked to planning functions and impulses.
Some studies show that certain hormones such as testosterone which are associated with aggression and violence may also play a role in forming such disorder. Aggressive and violent behaviours are apparent in people suffering from this disorder. Certain studies have shown a connection between certain forms of seizure disorders and aggressive impulsive behaviours.
People with such disorders are also more likely to contract addiction and mood disorders. Antidepressants are usually prescribed in treating such disorders.