Integrative Treatment for Heart Health, Blockages and Circulation
Integrative or mind-body treatments include diet, nutrition, lifestyle modifications, counselling for mental and emotional stability, environment health and positive faith building. Integrative therapies have become very popular and sort after. A lot of research is being done to evaluate the results of drugless therapies and traditional systems of healing around the world.
As a doctor, therapist and counsellor, we realized that the problems faced by patients range from the most common 'what to eat and what not to do' to 'why did this happen to me', or 'how does it cost so much' and most important, overcoming the ‘fear and pain’ associated with diseases. Few patients want to challenge a line of treatment, but do not have the courage to ask; and many will meekly follow the doctor’s advice. Things go wrong when patients are forced to follow some relatives or friends advice to take medicines that actually do them more harm than help.
It s always better to take professional advice.
Heart health also benefits from integrative treatments that include nutritional support from customized diet, customized exercises, mindful meditation, various self healing techniques like yogasana, acupressure, and powerful detoxification. Natural, herbal and Ayurvedic medication have proved very effective.
Medical research has indicated, blockages that cause heart attack, stroke or deep vein thrombosis begin 80% times with wear-tear of inner lining of blood vessel. This injury gets covered with a plaque deposit that is formed initially as a self protection mechanism. This plaque deposit has a large volume of LDL cholesterol. So, wrongly, LDL cholesterol is termed as Bad, whereas, it actually deposits to fight the disease (oxdative free radicals) from doing more harm. Swelling and rupture of this plaque causes blockage of blood vessel and blood flow is hampered in smaller vessels away from the site of rupture. When this happens in delicate organs like the heart, damage of heart muscles take place (causing heart attack of heart failure) or when in blood vessels supplying nutrition to brain, causing stroke and paralysis.
Research also confirms that unless the formation of these plaques is not retarded or reversed, new blockages keep occurring and procedures like angioplasty or bypass fail after a short time duration. This condition is called Restenosis. This can happen in same blockage area, on the stent or in new blood vessels.
World Health Organisation has taken note of this fact and all over the world, Integrative treatment approach is gaining importance and results have also encouraged doctors and patients.
Clinical trials conducted have shown that Non invasive, holistic, integrative approach is able to retard blockages, reduce the formation of blockages and improve blood circulation all over the body while supporting different organ functions. These therapy options can be safely taken with allopathy, before heart attack, after attack, after angioplasty, stent or CABG procedures. We recommend high risk persons to take these as precaution as well.
At present award winning, non invasive, clinically proved treatment protocol is available and is benefiting thousands of patients.