Is My Mind Normal?
The most evolving and ever changing thing in the world is Mind. From primates to the least level of living beings, Mind governs all the major functions of body. Psychiatry as a medical science has now grown beyond the Psychological aspects of mind like conscious and subconscious to more of brain mapping. The last decade has show biological (neurotransmitters) basis of mind and its related functions. But why we need to discuss about Mind and its Normality?
The question is that every day media is flooded with stress, depression, rage, hit and run, Addiction, sexual assaults, calamities and other events that influence us so much. Also, some media believe in positive news that also make an impact spreading positive vibes to make us relax. This diversity of stimuli around us makes our Mind do its basic function i.e generating thoughts and related emotions. With experiences and feedbacks from people, others and our own inner values; complexity builds up and we become refined each day. We often tend to think of our mind as a separate entity, but the mind and the body are linked and just like our body, the mind too is susceptible to illnesses.
This susceptibility varies from person to person and there are few factors which makes a person more susceptible, I would say vulnerable to illness or symptoms related to Mind. These factors range from birth, upbringing, childhood experiences, schooling, family environment, job and work areas, career struggles, relationship issues, addictions, genetic make up of a person, catastrophic and negative life events, financial condition, social and religious norms to multiple other factors. That is why a person gets surprised and moves into a reason finding state about what went wrong and when?
So how to know when Mind is Normal or not and what is Normality. As far as psychiatry is concerned,a normal Mental Health means the successful performance of mental functions, in terms of thought, mood, and behavior that results in productive activities, fulfilling relationships with others, and the ability to adapt to change and to cope with adversity. Any deviations from this can be put into abnormal mental or mind functioning, provided that it is at par with cultural and regional beliefs and traditions. An example of this can be, having a healthy child is God’s blessing to us, may be disregarded by science driven people as a genetic make up that defines child’s health.
Any deviations in emotions, thoughts, behavior, perception, consciousness about self and surrounding, memory, mood, concentration, reasoning, etc that affect functioning of a person in areas of job, work, relationship and others can be considered in categories known as psychiatric disorders. The following are few of the warning signs which a person should consider when thinks about Normal Mind functioning –
- Withdrawal: Recent social withdrawal and lack of interest in others are a common sign that you may have a problem in hand.
- Drop in functioning: There is a sudden unusual drop in functioning at school, work or other social activities such as withdrawing from sports, failing in school or difficulty in performing ordinary tasks.
- The problem with thinking: You face complications with concentration, memory or rational thoughts and speech that are hard to explain.
- Increased sensitivity: There is a heightened sensitivity to sights, sounds, smells or physical contact and a tendency to avoid stimulating situations.
- Apathy: There is a loss of desire or initiative to participate in any social activity.
- Feeling disconnected: You experience a vague feeling of detachment from yourself or your surrounding and a sense of unreality encircles you (paranoia or hallucinations).
- Illogical thinking: You have an exaggerated belief about your personal powers to understand meanings or influence events. You suffer from irrational or magical thinking, typical of childhood in an adult.
- Nervousness: You have a feeling of fear, you are skeptical of others or have a strong nervous feeling.
- Sleep or appetite changes: You experience sleep disorders, significant tiredness and appetite changes and even decline in personal care.
- Mood swings: There are rapid or dramatic shifts in feelings ranging from excessive anger; hostility or violence to suicidal thoughts.
So to summarize, Mind is a dynamic process with biological basis. It always easy to find fault and pin point abnormality. Over concern and Over analytical thinking enhances this abnormal seeking behavior. Better to be aware of warning signs, try to gain balance in life and help oneself and others to be in a state of Normal Mind. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a psychiatrist.