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Last Updated: Jul 19, 2023

Know How to Treat Genital Sores!

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Dr. Arun KumarSexologist • 38 Years Exp.B.A.M.S., M.D.(A.M), EX-M.R.C.G.P., EX-M.R.S.H., EX-M.S.I.E.C.U.S, EX-M.S.S.S.S.
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The red and itchy sores in genital area, which can cause immense pain are genital sores. They usually spread through infection that has occurred during sexual contact. There may also be bleeding if rubbed or scratched. This is usually a form of sexually transmitted infections (STI) which can be caused due to dermatitis or other allergies. Genital herpes and syphilis as well as bacterial diseases like chancroid can also cause the occurrence of this condition. 

Here are a few ways in which this may be treated:

  • Medication: The general physician or gynaecologist can prescribe a number of drugs that can help in treating this ailment. To begin with, you may have to ingest oral antibiotics or antiviral medication that can ensure that the bacteria do not get a chance to fester, grow and spread. Corticosteroids can also be prescribed for particularly severe cases. Pain relievers can help in soothing the area and the blisters in the genitals, while anti itching drugs like hydrocortisone can ensure that you do not scratch the area which can also lead to bleeding.
  • Surgical Removal: A particularly troublesome bout or sores can be removed with the help of non-invasive and surgical procedures depending on the severity of the situation. You may be required to go under medical observation for a few hours or days after the procedure to ensure that there are no complications or further cases of infection.
  • Intermittent Treatment: After the initial treatment where you will most likely go through a week long course of antiviral medication, or three weeks of antibiotic therapy, you may have to go through antiviral therapy every now and then. This is especially recommended if yours is a recurring case. Doctors usually recommend the ingestion of pills for two or three days as soon as you start to experience the painful symptoms and eruptions.
  • Suppressive Treatment: Very frequent outbreaks can make the doctors prescribe an antiviral pill a day, which will basically act towards suppressing an attack. This kind of treatment is especially helpful if you have had more than six outbreaks in a span of twelve months. This can bring down the risk of outbreaks by about 80%, as per medical studies. This can also reduce the risk of passing on the infection to a partner. If you are taking this kind of treatment, you should see your doctor at least once or twice a year too.

Taking home remedies like a warm compress or sitting in a warm tub of water with a few drops of antibacterial can also help. But you must consult a doctor before treating these sores at home. You can also prevent the same by practicing safe sex.