LASIK Refractive Surgery Or Spectacle Removal Surgery
Hi! I am Dr. Ravi Thadani, Ophthalmologist. Today I will talk about LASIK Refractive Surgery Or Spectacle Removal Surgery. This is most common in young people. It is the most common procedure in spectacles removal. There are many myths about lasik. The most common question of the patient is when should you go for this surgery? The ideal age for this surgery is after 18-19 years of age. Because by the time your number will be stabilized. This procedure cannot be done for every patient. We need to do the various test for selecting the patient for this surgery. The expectation of this surgery is to get rid of glasses. Even after the surgery, few patients still require the glasses. What are the post operative precautions? You require good rest for yourself and for your eyes.
We should avoid the usage of mobile and computer after surgery for one week and avoid water for at least 10 days. Some patients ask whether the number will come back or not. So, in 95% of cases, it will not happen. But it still can happen with ladies that your old eyes number can come back. If you are suffering from any disease, then there are chances that again you need to use your specs. It is a very safe procedure and needs a proper selection of the patient. it has fewer complications which are negligible. If you have any queries, consult me through Thank You.