Lesser Known Facts About Blood Donation
Blood Donation is a process that is carried out when a person voluntarily offers for blood to be extracted from his body. There are countless myths about blood donation that need to be squashed and awareness is the only way of doing it.
While blood donation brings multiple health benefits to both the donor and recipient, some facts are known to only a few. These facts will not only open doors to endless possibilities, but will make people feel confident about it.
Here are some lesser-known facts about Blood Donation- every person should know-
Approximately 112.5 million units of blood are collected from blood donation globally.
Around 30 million units are transfused annually.
Any person in sound health, at least 18 years old, and weighing at least 45 kilograms can donate blood every 56 days.
Your one unit of donated blood can save up to 3 lives.
A, B, AB, and O are the primary blood groups. While AB is a universal recipient, O negative is a universal donor.
The blood donation process normally takes less than 10-12 minutes.
Donating blood does not make you physically weak or decrease your strength.
Only 1% of India's population donates blood each year, leading to an annual deficit of two million units.
All donated blood units are tested for diseases like hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, and syphilis before transfusion.
Red cells, plasma, cryoprecipitate, and platelets are the various types of transfusable elements derived from the blood. The procedure takes place using a method called Apheresis.
Red blood cells carry oxygen to the organs.
Red blood cells survive for about four months in the system of circulation.
Platelets encourage blood clotting and provide leukemia patients and other cancer patients with better treatment.
Plasma is a pale yellow combination of proteins, salts, and water.
Plasma is 55 percent of the volume of blood and 90 percent water.
White cells are the chief defense of the body against infections.
There is no alternative for blood donation as blood cannot be manufactured.
You cannot contract AIDS or other infectious diseases due to blood donation.