Liposuction Procedure
I am Dr. Audumbar Borgaonkar. Today I will tell you about liposuction procedure. With this procedure we remove unwanted fat from the body. We make incisions of 3-4 mm and inject the fluid in certain body areas. Now who is the ideal candidate for liposuction. Who have slightly increased BMI but want to get rid of fat from face, neck, chin, tummy, back and thigh. It is a body contouring procedure. 10% of the body fat can be removed. Like if you have weight of 60kg, we can remove 6 liters of fat. It helps in reducing weight also if proper diet and exercises are being followed.
It is day care procedure. You need to wear pressure garments for 3-4 months. If the skin is hanging like for tummy then we need to do the tummy tuck etc. This procedure may take up to 6 months. If you want to know more, you can contact us through Lybrate.