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Last Updated: Jan 10, 2023

Liposuction - What You Can Do About Genetic Fat?

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Dr. Pankaj TiwaryDermatologist • 22 Years Exp.MBBS, MD - Dermatology
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Your genetic background influences where your body fat is stored. In case, your mother or father has fat stored in the abdomen, hips, waist or in the thigh, it is likely for you to develop deposits of fat in the same regions.

Circumstances of Genetic Fat

  • You may have a proper or a balanced BMI (body mass index) but still tend to develop bulges in areas, which are likely to make you look disproportional.
  • You may become obese by development of excess fat accumulation in the lower abdomen region, referred to as pannus. Extra fat may accumulate in your lower back and hips as well, which cannot be lost in spite of taking weight losing measures.

Liposuction to get rid of extra fat:

  • Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that allows you to remove genetic fat or any extra fat from the body, in order to change the body's shape. Liposuction does not remove cellulites and tightening of loose skin cannot be done.
  • Liposuction removes excess fat from the body by suction. Small, narrow tubes with blunt tips known as the cannulae are inserted through incisions in the skin surface. The tubes are moved under the skin to target the suction of fat deposits.

There are several types of liposuction techniques:

  1. Tumescent Liposuction: In this form of liposuction, a wetting solution such as lidocaine with a local anesthetic is injected into the patient before surgery. This causes the shrinking or constriction of blood vessels due to which it allows liposuction to be performed while the patient is under local anaesthesia. Blood loss and post surgical pains are reduced.
  2. Suction Assisted Liposuction: This mode of liposuction also known as SAL is the most primary form of liposuction. It involves drawing out of fat using a vacuum.
  3. Power Assisted Liposuction: This liposuction technique called PAL in short involves the process of SAL with an extra tool for increasing the motion of the cannula. The process is faster.
  4. Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction: This process (UAL) involves the transmission of energy via a specialized hand piece for loosening and melting of fat. A greater volume of fat can be removed via UAL.
  5. VASER: It is a variation of the UAL method where an ultrasonic cannula with grooves helps in energy disruption to improve removal of fat.

Laser Assisted Liposuction:
LAL is a newly developed liposuction technology where a laser works like an ultrasound for disruption and removal of fat cells. This mode is more efficient and involves less trauma. Liposuction is an effective way to remove unwanted, genetic fat from your body, which may be harming your body image. However, liposuction is associated with severe side effects. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult a dermatologist.


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