Lower Back Pain - Treatment & Care For It!
Back pain is a common source of pain, which can be acute, subacute or chronic in nature. Back pain is classified along the segments of the spine and can be divided into neck pain, middle back pain, lower back pain or tailbone pain.
Lower back pain is a type of back pain, which affects the lower back portion of the body. It may occur from arthritis or due to sudden jerking during movement. Lower-back pain may cause serious discomfort and aching and may disable a person from moving about. It should be treated and cared for properly.
Here are several treatments and care procedures for lower-back pain:
Take some rest: Most people who get lower-back pain get obsessed with it and end up getting MRI scans, x-rays done and take injections without recognizing the intensity of the pain. It is advised not to rush into the matter. A simple way to cure the pain is by resting. 90% of lower back pains resolve by themselves in 6 weeks and so you must give your back a break instead of taking medical action and give your back some to heal.
Pills: Sometimes, lower back pain can suddenly become severe. In this case, you should intake anti-inflammatory pills such as ibuprofen or naproxen. Muscle relaxant pills are also frequently prescribed to reduce the muscle spasm. These pills will help you ease the pain. However, you should not take them for more than ten days at a stretch as continuous pill consumption can cause side effects.
Hot & cold compress: Apply a bag of frozen peas or an ice pack to the affected area in your lower back for 48 hours after the pain appears. Every session should be about 20 minutes and you should take several sessions each day. After two days, repeat the same procedure using a heat pad. The cooling procedure shuts down your blood capillaries, reducing the flow of blood to the affected area. The swelling is then eased. The heating, on the other hand, loosens tight muscles and helps to increase blood circulation.
Replace your mattress: People who sleep on firm mattresses and cushions on their beds are at a higher risk of experiencing lower-back pain. If you sleep on a medium-firm mattress, your chances of getting lower-back pain are less. In case your mattress is sagging or is very old, you should replace it.
Physiotherapy: Physiotherapy in the form of Interferential Therapy (IFT) is very useful in severe back ache. It helps to relieve spasm and thus helps in rapid recovery. After pain relief, a course of back strengthening ex's will help in preventing further recurrences.
Lower-back pain is likely to cause great discomfort and trouble. You will be unable to carry out your daily chores because of the pain. Therefore, proper treatment and care are required for lower-back pain.