Mental Health - Ways To Maintain It!
Mental Health is mental/emotional wellbeing. Being mentally healthy means being peaceful from within, being able to deal with life's challenges and being able to manage emotions and relationships, etc.
There is a lot of misunderstanding about "mental health" and 60% of mentally sick or disturbed people are not taken to doctors or other mental health professionals. Instead, they are taken to astrologers, or tantriks. Some are even punished for being crazy.
In today's highly stressful world people do not have time to think and plan their lives. Because of modern lifestyles and nuclear families people do not have outlets to share their feelings and express their intense emotions.
Sometimes emotional wounds like deep hurts, insults, neglect, shaming, physical and/or sexual abuse in childhood, may cause Personality or Behavioural disorders.
A person who loses temper for any small thing, or who is suspicious all the time or the one who breaks down or cries at slightest provocation, or who is jealous and possessive to the extent of being obsessed, or who is anxious all the time etc. needs to understand his/her feelings and find out the root cause of such feelings and behaviours.
Here are a few tips to develop/improve your mental health:
- Learn to express your feelings assertively
- Become aware of your own feelings and emotions
- Understand how to manage your emotions on day to day basis (anger, fear, jealousy etc)
- Review and nurture your relationships and infuse new life into them
- Periodically get rid of past baggage, deep hurts, spoilt relationships, unresolved issues, by resolving them in your mind
- Have a daily routine where your own needs and others' needs are balanced
- Reward yourself
- Develop positive attitude: focus on good events in life and positive affirmations.
- Introspect how often you succumb to negative emotions.
- Keep company of positive people
- Devise own methods for de-stressing
- Keep away from any kind of substance abuse.
- Have some routine exercise regime.
- Do not hesitate to seek professional help from - Counsellor/Psychiatrist/Psychologist
Pay attention to your Mental Health and enjoy life!