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Last Updated: Oct 23, 2019

Mistletoe Injections - Know Utility Of It In Cancer Treatment!

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Dr. Sandeep RoyHomeopathy Doctor • 16 Years Exp.MD - Practice Of Medicine, AEMT (Germany)
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Cancer is a difficult disease to combat. The fight against it has been ongoing for ages. Scientists and medical practitioners have come up with many treatment procedures to curb the spread of cancer. But the conventional methods like radiation and chemotherapy don’t always work. That is what lead experts to discover other modes that can complement traditional treatment methods. One such complementary procedure is mistletoe therapy.

What are Mistletoes?

Mistletoes are a parasitic plant. The white berries of these plants are actually very poisonous to humans.

The Use of Mistletoes in Curing Cancer Extracts are obtained from mistletoes berries and people who have been diagnosed with cancer are injected with a serum containing mistletoe extracts. The extracts depend on the tree that played host to the mistletoe plant, the species of the mistletoe and the time of the year when it grew. They are usually diluted in water to form a solution.

Mistletoes injections are gaining ground specifically in the treatment of colon cancer. It is administered right into any one of the following-

• A major vein

• The tumour

• The pleural cavity.

The chief benefit of mistletoe is that there are hardly any side-effects to mistletoe injections. The worst you can expect is an inflammation around the site of the injection and sometimes headaches and fever. This is tame compared to the severe side effects triggered by chemotherapy.

Mistletoe extracts don’t leave a trail of poison in your system. Whereas chemotherapy infuses your blood with a tonne of toxins that your body has a tough time flushing out. That is why, chemotherapy endangers the health of your colon, kidneys and other organs.

Mistletoe injections are recommended for people who have contracted breast cancer because the evidence says that chemotherapy actually backfires in breast cancer cases.

Though mistletoe injections have hardly entered mainstream practise and are actually in a trial phase right now. Most of the experiments are being conducted in Europe. The results have been quite inspiring.

These trials have observed inhibition in the growth of the tumour. Your body has a natural system of eliminating old and unwanted cells called apoptosis. But it does not work with the cancer cells and that's why they multiply rapidly. Mistletoe extracts not only boost your immunity but also enable your body to rid itself of the cancer cells. Another way cancer cells spread is by creating new blood vessels that propagate them. Here too mistletoe injections can help. They do not allow new blood vessels in the affected region to develop and thus block the passageways the abnormally mutated cells would have taken.

Clinical trials found that long-term mistletoe therapy in conjunction with chemotherapy or radiation leads to fewer side effects, better pain management, and greater chances of eradication of the disease for people with colorectal cancer. That is why mistletoe injections are giving a lot of hope to doctors and patients alike and may actually prove to be the cure that everyone was looking for.

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