Myths And Facts About Acne
Acne occurs when overactive sebaceous glands (glands that produce oil in the skin) produce excess oil and the dead skin cells clog the pores of the hair follicle present in the skin. Inflammation occurs in the clogged hair follicle resulting in acne.
Let's take a look at myths and facts about acne :
1. There is no treatment for acne - myth
Acne does not go away on its own. At the same time, toothpaste and picking pimples are not the best form of treatment for this condition. Acne can be easily treated with over the counter and prescription drugs. In some cases, you may also need antibiotics or hormonal medication. If left untreated, acne can result in permanent scarring that mars your beauty.
2. Acne is caused by poor hygiene habits - myth
Acne is not caused by dirty skin. Contrary to popular belief, washing your face too many times can make the condition of your skin deteriorate. This can also worsen your acne breakout. Aggressively soaping your skin and excessive use of astringent can also traumatize the skin and make it look worse after treatment. You should ideally wash your face twice a day; once in the morning and once before going to bed. However, if you feel a buildup of oil on your face, you can wash it with lukewarm water and a mild soap.
3. Makeup causes acne - myth
Makeup has often been misunderstood as a trigger for acne. However, makeup itself does not cause acne. The fault lies in not removing makeup properly at the end of the day. If you have oily skin that is prone to acne, choose powder based foundations instead of liquid foundations that can clog your pores. If you use a lot of makeup through the day, give your skin time to breathe at night. Ensure that every trace of makeup is removed before you go to bed.
In case you have a concern or query you can always consult an expert & get answers to your questions!