Natural Alternatives to Adderall
Adderall is a medicine which is prescribed by a doctor for people having mental disorders and this medicine is known for the stimulation of the brain. The most common mental illness for which this medicine is prescribed or consumed is for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). There are various natural supplements and medications available which can help a person to reduce the severity of the symptoms of this ailment. These natural medicines are not useful in the treatment of ADHD but they can also be used for the improvement of focus and helps in balancing the stimulation.
Some of the natural supplements or medications that you can take in spite of adderall are listed below and these are all equally effective as adderall:
This is a very identical substance to the natural precursor of phospholipid phosphatidylcholine. This substance is used for pharmaceutical purposes which is responsible for the proper functioning of the brain and it also has a healing effect on the brain if it has suffered any kind of damage or injury.
In many countries or places, citicoline is transformed into the form of a medicine which has helped a lot of people to recover from various kinds and intensities of strokes. Phospholipids are very effective in enhancing the functionality of the brain.
Citicoline is known to have so many positive effects on the brain of a person like it is very much helpful for a person who is suffering from nervous system and brain disorders like glaucoma and various types of dementia, which also includes the reduction of various symptoms of ADHD. In some countries this substance is sold as a prescribed medicine whereas in other countries it is sold in the form of a supplement. This substance is non toxic and is very well tolerated by the person's immune system and there are no side effects of this substance.
The brain chemicals present in the brain are made from various amino acids and methionine is an amino acid which is responsible for the building and synthesis of certain brain chemicals. This substance has an active form which is known as S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine or SAMe and this active form of methionine is consumed as a supplement by people who have medical issues like ADHD and have symptoms of depression.
A patient who is having the problem of ADHD, when he is administered with this supplement then there is seen a significant improvement in the symptoms which he has been experiencing. The patient consuming this medicine can experience various problems as side effects like manic episodes and anxiety issues only if the patient is suffering from bipolar disorder. The right dosage is not yet found which will then establish this active form of methionine as an alternative for adderall.
Ginkgo Biloba
The supplement has an herbal origin which is commonly used and prescribed for older people who have problems with their memory and flow of blood. This supplement improves the memory of a person, the flow of blood and improves the symptoms of ADHD in children. The dosage of ginkgo biloba has to be rightly found before it can be used as an adderall treatment in case of adults and children.
This substance has various properties and the antioxidant property of this substance is highly expressed which is very useful and helpful in the improvement of blood circulation and lowering down of the blood pressure. This supplement has also been effective in lowering the oxidative stress and Inflammation in the body which ultimately leads to the lowering down of the symptoms of ADHD. This supplement also plays an important role in the reduction of symptoms related to hyperactivity in case of children suffering from ADHD.
Pycnogenol is also known for the improvement in attention, concentration and the coordination between the hand and the eye.
GABA (Gamma aminobutyric acid)
Gamma aminobutyric acid or GABA is known for its calming effect on the nervous system because it is a natural brain chemical. It has properties which are responsible for the lowering of the levels of hyperactivity and excitability and it is also very effective and helpful in easing stress and anxiety. These symptoms are reduced significantly which are present both in adults and children who are suffering from the problem of ADHD and other mental ailments.
Vitamin B6 and magnesium
A brain chemical called serotonin is formed with the help of vitamin B6. Mood and feeling of calmness is regulated, maintained and improved by this nerve chemical and when this nerve chemical works along with a mineral named magnesium helps in the maintenance of brain chemical balance. Because of the intake of this nerve chemical, vitamin B6 with magnesium helps in the reduction of the symptoms of ADHD and helps them to improve their mental focus, hyperactivity and aggressiveness. They have a very limited effect on controlling the symptoms of ADHD and it is found that the symptoms become severe or return back after some time, when you have stopped taking the supplement.
Mineral Supplements
There is a shortage of mineral nutrients in children who are suffering from the problem of ADHD but in normal condition the required amount of minerals is fulfilled by the intake of a proper and balanced diet. A child can suffer from malnutrition and mineral deficiency if the child is a picky eater and has some medical ailments which affects the body functioning to properly absorb the nutrients which may result in the child getting the right and adequate amount of nutrients.
Some supplements are found to be very helpful in the reduction of the symptoms of ADHD in some children and this is possible because some of the brain chemicals or neurotransmitters are formed with the help of certain minerals. These supplements are listed below:
Adderall is used for the treatment of certain mental disorders and finding an alternative of such medicine should have zero side effects and should be equally effective to the original medicine.
Before you start the intake of any of the above mentioned supplements you should be aware of the positive and negative of it and you should discuss it with your health provider as well.