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Last Updated: Feb 16, 2023

Natural Dietary Laxatives!

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Dr. Heena Talreja LallaProctologist • 20 Years Exp.MS (Shalya) General Surgery, Diploma in Proctology, BAMS, Masters in Minimally Invasive Proctology
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Constipation is a common problem nowadays. Almost every individual faces the problem of constipation at least once in their lifetime. There can be swelling of the veins around the anus when a person tries to produce bowel movements by straining.

The most common symptoms of constipation are lesser bowel movements than usual, hardened stools, feeling of blockade in the rectum, not able to empty the rectum completely etc. It turns chronic if it is left untreated. 

Constipation is very common in patients who don't drink a lot of water and dehydrate themselves. A diet lacking in fibre is also a very important cause of constipation. Certain medications such as antidepressants and painkillers also lead to hardening of the stool and hence constipation. There can be many complications of chronic constipation such as faecal impaction in which the stool gets accumulated in the intestines, anal fissure in which the hardened stools causes tears in the anus which is very painful, swelling of the veins in the anal region due to straining to produce bowel movements and rectal prolapse in which a small amount of rectum protrudes from the anus.

The most common treatment of constipation involves the use of laxatives. It is also of two types- stimulant laxatives and stool softening laxatives. Stimulant laxatives work by stimulating the bowel movements whereas the latter one enables the stool to absorb more water hence becoming softer and easier to excrete. Stimulant laxatives take less time to work as compared to stool softening laxatives. Laxatives work more efficiently when a person makes a few lifestyle changes such as drinking more and more water, including more fibre in the diet etc. 

The laxatives which are available over the counter are often more effective but they can cause changes in the minerals and body and electrolyte disturbances. Hence they should not be taken very often. In order to achieve a healthy gut it is very important to incorporate a few natural laxatives in the diet. In this article we are going to discuss some laxatives which are naturally available. A few of them are given below- 

Castor oil

Castor oil is a natural laxative which is derived from the beans of Castor. It works by lubricating the intestines and also contracting them. It generally takes 8 to 10 hours to work and should be taken on an empty stomach as directed.


Including foods in our diet which are rich in fibre are very helpful in relieving the symptoms of constipation. Almonds, oats, chickpeas etc are rich in fibre.


It is a drink which contains caffeine and caffeine is very helpful in stimulating bowel movements. It can relieve the symptoms of constipation by contracting the muscles of the intestine. But at the same time it must be kept in mind that caffeinated beverages cause dehydration and hence consume plenty of water while consuming caffeinated beverages otherwise it may worsen the symptoms of constipation.


They can be effective in relieving the symptoms of constipation. Different types of teas such as ginger tea, peppermint tea, licorice root tea, dandelion root tea, black tea, green tea etc are very useful in soothing the digestive system and helping in producing bowel movements.

Lemon juice

It is considered a flusher of toxins from the body. It can be added with a glass of warm water and consumed to facilitate the digestive process.

Coconut water

It has various benefits. It helps in hydrating as well as detoxification of the body. It is rich in magnesium which is responsible for helping in the moving of the faecal matter out of the body.


Fennel has also been considered as a good natural laxative and can be taken with a glass of warm water. It is best to take roasted fennel.


This product is easily available and is very beneficial for our digestive health. It can relieve the symptoms of constipation. It is advised to take it with a glass of warm water for best results.

Baking soda

It is also easily available in our household and is used for cleansing of the colon. It is taken with warm water.


It is best to take it with warm water. It is helpful in softening the stool and relieving the symptoms of constipation.

Milk added with ghee

It can also be helpful in treating constipation in a few people. 


Certain vitamins also help in increasing bowel movements. Vitamins such as vitamin C, folic acid, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B5 etc are necessary for good gastrointestinal health. 

Aloe Vera

It is often used for various purposes. It can also help in relieving symptoms of constipation.


It is an excellent stimulant laxative which helps in contracting the muscles of the digestive tract.


They help in the production of butyric acid which acts as a natural laxative.

Chia seeds

They are an excellent source of fibre. They contain soluble as well as insoluble fibre. Soluble fibre loses the stool as it absorbs water to form a gel.


They too contain both types of fibre. The insoluble fibre helps in increasing the bulk of the stool.

Flax Seeds

They are rich in nutrients and have high content of Proteins and Omega 3 fatty acids. They are excellent natural laxative agents.

Olive oil

Researchers have found that olive oil promotes bowel movement and relieves the symptoms of constipation.

Kiwi Fruit

It is high in fibre and is known to show laxative properties.


This article has been written with the sole purpose of enriching the knowledge of the reader. Before taking any of the products mentioned above, always consult a medical practitioner.

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