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Last Updated: May 11, 2023

Natural Remedies for Children's Allergies

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Dr. Mohit Rana0Ayurvedic Doctor
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Have you ever noticed any unusual red spots on your child's skin after they have been playing outside? Perhaps your daughter has been sneezing more often since she started petting the neighbor's cat, or your preteen son might have been rubbing his itchy, red eyes after mowing the lawn. 

If you have observed any of the above mentioned symptoms in your child, it is important to know that they might be related, and there are ways you can help ease your little one's discomfort.

The children with the symptoms described above may be experiencing an allergic reaction. Such an allergic reaction can often be triggered by one or more of the following:

  • Pollen
  • Dust
  • Insect stings 
  • Animal dander
  • Some foods
  • Certain medications

When and How Does a Child Develop an Allergy?

Allergies can develop in children of any age group, but they are most common after the age of three. Allergies usually occur when the immune system overreacts to a substance. That said, the fact that this process is entirely harmless should also be noted.

What actually happens is that when your child touches, breathes, or eats an allergen, their immune system tends to release histamines, which are basically chemicals that give rise to the symptoms of an allergic reaction. Allergens can cause a range of symptoms in different people, depending on their individual sensitivity and the type of allergen. They can cause not only respiratory problems or skin reactions but also other serious health problems in children.

Symptoms can begin as early as February and last until the end of September, depending on a child's location and what they are allergic to. A number of over-the-counter medications, such as steroid nasal sprays and antihistamines, can help your child during allergy season. Apart from that, there are also some natural DIY methods or natural home remedies that may provide relief to your child.

You must note that the following are some of the best natural home remedies that can effectively deal with the most terrible seasonal allergies:

You Must Protect Your Child's Eyes

Allergy symptoms in the eyes can be very irritating and troublesome for your little one. They might just hate the feeling of itchiness that usually stems from inflammation of the mucous membrane. You must know that mucus membrane covers the inner eyelids as well as the whites of the eyes.

To help combat this inflammation, it is suggested that parents dress their children in sunglasses and hats (with brims) when they go outside, with the aim of protecting their eyes. By doing so, you will not only protect your child's eye from dust, pollen, or even other allergens, but they are also less likely to rub their eyes and aggravate their symptoms.

Make Your Child Try a Saline Solution

Nasal congestion in children is a common problem, and most parents try over-the-counter remedies before heading to the pediatrician. If your older child is suffering from nasal congestion, you might want to consider trying nasal irrigation with a saline solution.

This process can be carried out by using a store-bought solution or one that is prepared at home. It must be kept in mind that most recipes for homemade solutions call for mixing boiled (or distilled) water with salt that is not iodized. This method flushes out mucus and provides relief. Neti pots are another great option for combating congestion.

Use Both Cold and Hot Compresses

When your child has allergies, it can make them feel miserable. But there are many ways in which you can help them ease their symptoms. The best thing you can do is help your child avoid triggers and make them learn about medications or remedies that can help alleviate their symptoms.

You can also find a number of natural home remedies that are known to offer relief in allergy cases. To ease your little one's sinus pressure in a natural way, you must start by rinsing their face to remove any pollen that's causing the problem.

Thereafter, you must put a warm compress on your child's face, either on their nose or forehead. It must be done after you ask them where they exactly feel pressure. Apart from that, you can use an ice pack wrapped in a towel, or, for that matter, a wet, cold washcloth, to relieve your beloved child's itchy eyes.

Attempt to Fend Off or Avoid Outdoor Allergies

During peak pollen season, try to keep all the windows and doors of your house closed in order to keep the pollen out. Also, make sure your child washes up and changes clothes when they step into the house from outside. Furthermore, in the fall and winter seasons, watch for outdoor mold or weed pollens that might be triggers for your child's allergy.

Handle Any Allergies Existing Inside Your House

Dust mites are basically small creatures that live and reproduce in dusty environments. They are known to be the root cause of allergies in some people and can also make asthma symptoms worse. However, you must know that there are some special pillow and mattress covers available on the market that can help keep these dust mites away.

If possible, it is best to keep things like rugs, carpets, and drapes out of your child's room, as they are more likely to attract and collect dust. When you do clean, try to do so when your child is not in the room to limit their exposure to harmful chemicals. Another great idea is to limit the number of stuffed animals and wash existing ones frequently in order to reduce the number of dust mites that could potentially trigger allergies.

You can help keep your children safe from mold and dust mites by making sure they don't spend too much time in damp, humid areas. Keep the humidity in your home at 45% or lower to create an environment that is less hospitable for dust mites. It is also important to keep your furry friends out of the bedroom where you sleep so that you don't have to worry about dust mites that might trigger your child's allergies.


It can be very difficult to watch your child suffer through the sniffles and sneezes of seasonal allergies. When you have a child that suffers from allergies, it can be difficult to find the right solutions to their problems. That is why we have created this article, so that you can learn more about the different natural remedies that are available to help treat your children’s allergies.

Furthermore, we hope this article has been helpful in giving you some great ideas on how you can relieve your children’s allergies and how to keep them healthy and happy throughout the year!

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