Non-Surgical Facelift: Why?
Know the reasons of choosing Non-Surgical Facelift
Hello. I am Dr. Latika Arya. I am a Dermatologist at L.A Skin and Aesthetic Clinic, Defense Colony, New Delhi. Today, I will be talking about non-surgical facelifts.
Yes, it is possible to get a facelift without going under the knife. No wonder people are choosing non-surgical facelifts over surgical facelifts because they are so convenient to do, there is hardly any downtime and the results are very natural. So, today I will be talking about the various options which are available for non-surgical facelifts. So, the most popular one is the liquid facelift. It’s called liquid facelift because it is performed through the injection of fillers and Botox through very tiny injections into the face. These are very popular because the result is instant, there is hardly any downtime and it instantly lifts the chin and the sagging jaw line.
The face is accessed first, and your treatment plan is discussed with you and the treatments are scheduled after putting a little numbing cream and it is not only addresses the facelift but it also takes care of the wrinkles and even if younger patients want to augment their certain features likes lips, cheeks, or they want to narrow their jaw line, correct the nose, all these things can be also taken care of. Next, a popular non-surgical facelift is the vampire facelift. This is relatively a new procedure which has become very popular because it is quite affective. It is uses your own blood and the platelets are extracted by processing the blood in a sterile manner and these are injected onto the face, a series of three to four treatments are required and gradually you start to notice effacement of the wrinkles, lifting of the skin and improvement in skin quality. Then, another popular way to lift the face is Thread Facelift. These are non-surgical threads. These are made up of absorbable material. These are inserted under the skin with very fine needles and it is put in the area where the lift is required. Again, the results come gradually and it’s very natural, it lifts the cheeks, narrows the jaw line and even takes care of the double chin.
Then there is another skin tightening procedure which is done with the help of machines that is laser radio frequency devices and ultrasonic. This is available by the name of thermage, ultherapy, secret, fraxel etc. These all we are doing and this helps to renew the collagen in your skin which gradually lifts the skin. Now, there are some people who don’t want to go for very aggressive treatments but yet they want to maintain their skin so for them prevention is recommended by the use of sunscreen, good anti-aging products and they can do maintenance treatments with the mesotherapy in which the collagen stimulating molecules, solutions, and agents are infused into the skin via electroporation. So, gradually the skin starts to improve and maintains itself and not to forget is the maintenance of a healthy lifestyle and sun protection, healthy diet, exercise, proper exercise, these go a long way in preventing aging and preventing the skin sagging.
So, if you are interested in these non-surgical treatments and would like to know more about them, you can contact us through Lybrate or you can visit our clinic L.A Skin and Aesthetic Clinic at Defense Colony in New Delhi. We would be happy to help you. Thank you.