Obesity - How To Administer It In Pregnancy?
Pregnancy is that situation in a woman’s life when she is expecting her newborn, and her body is preparing itself to support the baby in the womb. Gaining weight is a common problem and that may lead to complications during pregnancy.
Thus, when you are pregnant, it is necessary that you keep a check on your weight and see that obesity does not affect you or your baby’s health.
To control weight during pregnancy it is necessary that you
Keep a check on diet and,
Exercise regularly
Keep a check on the diet:
During pregnancy, you will get lots of suggestions from everybody about what to eat and what not to. Even you too will feel like eating this and that. What you should follow is what your doctor suggests. You need to be very careful about the food that you eat. There should be a proper diet. The following tips will be useful.
Do not eat junk food as they contain oil and sugar that increase your weight. Thus, avoid junk food.
Do not keep your stomach empty, keep eating after some time and eat in small portions. Instead of having three main meals it is better to have five to six meals in small portions. These light meals will help you get the required amount of nutrients and energy but will not be heavy on the sugar level.
Go for a healthy breakfast. There is a common belief that skipping meals will help you reduce weight, but the fact is that you do not lose weight, instead of when you skip meals you feel hungry and in the meal that you take later, you tend to eat more. Thus, choose and eat a healthy breakfast that is good for your baby. It will also help you cope with morning sickness.
Drink enough water. It is necessary that you keep your body hydrated during pregnancy. Lack of water is not good for the baby. Moreover, if you drink enough water, you will feel refreshed and even kill extra appetite.
Exercise Regularly:
There is a misconception that during pregnancy, you should not exercise. You need a full rest. The truth is that exercising will increase the blood flow within your body that is good for the baby. Yes, for morning sickness you may not be able to do exercises but try to do some under proper supervision.
Still, if you find that you are gaining excess weight, then consult your physician.