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Last Updated: Feb 16, 2023

Pain in anus hole home remedy

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Dr. Ravi BadgujarHomeopathy Doctor • 12 Years Exp.BHMS
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The rectum is found to be a part of the digestive system that starts at the lower portion of the large intestine and it ends at the anus. The pain in the rectal area could occur because of any kind of injury, infection, or injury that has occurred to the rectum or the anus. People are ought to experience pain in their rectal area only at particular times for instance while you are sitting, during bowel movements or walking and depending upon the the cause of the pain that is underlying people may go through some additional symptoms which are rectal bleeding, constipation, of pressure in the pelvic area. There are so many possible causes of the pain in the rectal area so it is considered to be very important for people to use a professional health provider for the diagnosis and treatment of the problem.

Causes of rectal pain

There are so many causes that can lead you to suffer from this problem of rectal pain and also this when the pain has actually started to occur. Mentioned below are some of the potential causative factors or reasons for the rectal condition and in some cases this condition ought to happen alongside the appearance of the symptoms

  • When sitting: Hemorrhoids is also known as piles which is considered as a condition in which the veins around the anus or the lower rectal area becomes inflamed or swollen up and this condition can be external or internal. The hemorrhoids that has found to be external will lead you to suffer from rectal pain or ache even when you are sitting and the other possible symptoms that you might notice or go through are said to be anal ache or pain, anal itching, sensitive and hard lumps are found around the area of anus, etc. The symptoms that occurs because of the external hemorrhoids are likely to disappear within a few days on their own but when the internal hemorrhoids starts to bulge out in the rectal area this becomes a hemorrhoid which prolapsed and this is considered as a common cause of the discomfort, pressure and pain in the rectal area. The internal hemorrhoids which have not yet prolapsed are generally not painful but some people start to experience bleeding from the rectal area.
  • When walking: This is a thrombosed external hemorrhoid is a kind of blood clot that happens in the case of an external hemorrhoid and large, thrombosed external hemorrhoids will lead to pain even when you are walking and while they are sitting or doing your regular bowel movement. In some cases, people may start to notice a certain mass in the anal region which came to appear all of a sudden and leads you to experience a lot of pain and the pain starts to get worse in the first 48 hours of the appearance of the pain and it starts to ease over the days that are to follow by. When the skin that is covering the blood clot starts to open, in case of these people they may experience bleeding as well.
  • When urinating: Prostatitis is a condition that involves the inflammation of the prostate gland and the position of this prostate gland is found to be just below the urinary bladder and it is found right in front of the rectum, further, the primary function of the prostate gland is the formation of seminal fluid. Prostatitis happens when your prostate gland is infected by any kind of bacteria that enters because of the urine or the rectum and this condition may lead you to suffer from pain while you are urinating and along with this you may also experience rectal pain and pressure. There are other possible symptoms that are associated with the problem of prostatitis and they are mentioned below: 
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Throbbing sensation in the rectal area
  • Pain in the lower back of the pelvis region
  • Your frequent urge of urination
  • A burning or stinging sensation is experienced when they are urinating
  • Low urine output
  • While lying down: You may suffer from a condition of levator syndrome (LS) and this condition leads you to experience episodic pain in the area of the rectum or bony structure that is found around the base of the spine. The exact cause of the LS is not yet known by the experts as well, however this condition is likely to occur generally because of the spasms in the levator muscles found in the pelvic floor. People may also experience this condition of spasms for no obvious reason or when you have had a bowel movement. LS can also lead to the cause of pain or a dull ache in the tailbone, anus or rectum and it is found that lying or sitting can worsen this condition of LS.
  • While coughing: This medical term rectal prolapse is used to notify the situation or condition in which the rectum falls out of the place and drops down through the anus. A person who has this condition of rectal prolapse may experience a bulge from the portion of the anus that is brought under the application of straining such as, when you are coughing, heavy lifting or sneezing. Rectal prolapse is also responsible for the cause of pressure and other kind of pain in the anus or rectum and may lead to other symptoms as well which are listed below: 
  • You can notice mucus in your stool
  • You will become unable to control the movements of your bowel
  • You may notice bleeding that comes from the anus or the rectum
  • You may also suffer constipation

Remedies of anal pain

The treatment options for this condition of anal or rectal pain can vary a lot and this totally depends upon the underlying condition and to relieve yourself from the general pain caused by this problem around the rectum and anus you can follow the below mentioned treatments: 

  • You should start taking a sitz bath or you should sit in warm water for a few minutes.
  • You can use a stool softener that will help you in the easy passage of the stool.
  • You need to wash the area very gently with lukewarm water and it is to be done particularly after you have gone through your bowel movement or sweating.
  • You should take medicines which are prescribed by a doctor.
  • You should avoid the usage of any kind of irritating soap or detergents.
  • You should avoid sitting for a long period of time. 
  • You should wear cotton and breathable underwear.
  • You should wear loose and comfortable clothes.
  • You can sit on a cushion or rubber ring as this relieves the pressure significantly.


People ought to experience this condition of rectal pain because of so many reasons which may include hemorrhoids, pregnancy and muscle spasms and depending on the cause of the problem, the symptoms may start to ease or worsen with the change in position. You can opt for the above mentioned remedies but when the condition does not seem to improve or get better you will be required to visit a medical expert for the treatment of the problem and also the underlying condition.

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