Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
I am Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour, I am the medical director of SCI Healthcare I am an gynaecologist and IVF and fertility specialist. Today I will be talking about something called as PCOS or PCOD, it is also called as polycystic ovarian syndrome or polycystic ovarian disease. So this is exactly the condition that I am talking about today, this is one of the most common hormonal disorders to affect women in our country in India. Almost 1 in 10 women suffer from PCOS and what happens in this condition, in this condition what happens is that hormones which are the male hormones rise in the body of the woman that needs to changes which include if you seen some women who have facial hair like a beard factor or like a moustache they lose, if you are losing hair from the top of your head or if you have some acne some kind of pimples or acne, these are all conditions which are associated with Polycystic ovary. Along with this the period becomes very irregular your cycle instead of one month can be 2 months, 3 months or you may not get them at all. So if you suffer from something like that please do not be anxious or do not worry because there are lot of treatment which are available for this. The treatment includes medical treatment it include surgical treatment or other fertility treatments. So medical treatment point of view, the most important thing is trying and loses some weight even if you lose just 2 or 3 kilos you will consider that to be insignificant but that is really quite important because that will help to overcome the problems that are associated with polycystic ovary. The second medication that you been used is called as a hormonal pills these are the birth control pills what they do is they reduce the testosterone and androsterone or the main hormone in your body and this helps to rectify the hormonal problems which are associated with polycystic ovaries. The other kind of medications are used by women who are trying to have a baby they include chromium citrate which is given from 5 days starting from the second day of your period and also a tablet called letrozole which is also given for 5 days from the second day of your period and this will help millions of women worldwide who suffer from this condition called PCOS to have a baby. On the other hand if you are thin and if you have a high level of hormone call LH and been trying to have a baby for over 3 years or you are not responding to any tablets you are not responding to injections even, then in that case you can opt for a surgical treatment. The surgical treatment is called as Polycystic ovary drilling where literally it is used to drill like a hole inside the ovary and this puncture helps to correct the hormonal profile. You get better results with the IVF or what they any just simple fertility treatment you can get a better response to the medication you are taking and at the same time you it can help you to get pregnant on your own even without having to use any other medications. The final treatment for Polycystic ovary syndrome includes a screening for diabetes because remember women with PCOS are higher risk of getting diabetes or high cholesterol. This is called metabolic syndrome, so make sure you check your blood sugar and your blood cholesterol levels regularly, specially if you are about the age of 40. Now after this finally, the final solution for fertility if you have taken medication, you have done surgery nothing has responded and the final solution is the IVF, you will be happy to know the best success rates are in women with Polycystic ovary they can range upto as high as 70% per cycle. So I wish you all the best in your journey through PCOS, if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us, we are always happy to answer them. Thank you.