Prostate Gland Enlargement - Homeopathic Remedies For It!
The prostate gland is a very important gland in the male reproductive system. It is responsible for producing around 30% of the fluid which comprises semen. While the statement that homeopathy cannot treat problems in the prostate such as prostate cancer is true, it is untrue that prostate gland enlargement cannot be treated by homeopathy.
Here are the most common homeopathic remedies for prostate gland enlargement and what are the medicines best suited for it:
Baryta carb: Baryta carb is one of the best homeopathic remedies for prostate gland enlargement in the elderly. Common conditions which may indicate that Baryta carb is the best remedy for your prostate gland enlargement patient include degenerative diseases such as losing memory, cardiovascular problems and other problems besides losing memory in the cerebral system.
Digitalis: Digitalis is mostly used when the patient suffering from prostate gland enlargement also suffers from heart problems. Digitalis does make the pulse weak, slow or even intermittent, however it is worth note that oedema may also occur.
Staphysagria: Staphysagria is one of the best homeopathic medicines for various pains which occur in the urinary system in addition to prostate gland enlargement. Common pains which staphysagria cures include pain while urinating, burning sensation in the urethra, feeling like the bladder is not completely emptied as well as pain in the urethra when one is not urinating.
Conium: Frequent urination is yet another symptom of prostate gland enlargement. This problem is caused by an injury to the area where the prostate glands are located. This injury hardens the glands. The passage of urine will be extremely difficult with urine starting to pass and then stopping again. There is also dribbling of urine after completion of urinating.
Sabal Serrulata: Sabal Serrulata is one of the most popular homeopathic medicines for prostate gland enlargement with many patients having consumed it reported great results. It works for most causes of prostate gland enlargement as well.
Even though homeopathy is supposed to have no side effect, it is still imperative that you consult a doctor about which ones to take.