PRP And Ozone Therapy For Pain Relief
Hello everyone,
My name is Dr Sachin Mittal from advanced pain clinic Vasundhara Ghaziabad. I am seeing a lot of people in the younger age group these days complaining of severe knee pain. Pain during walking, climbing even during working hours during the office even. It may be attributed to the lack of physical activity change in dietary habits changes in the daily routine. We call it the age of paradox like what we used to say in the age of 70s 80s condition of bone and joints.
Now I see in the younger age group in the early fifties and late forties but interestingly contrary to popular belief not all joint pain require replacement surgery these days. With the advent of the modern pain medicine, many techniques for joint preservation we have many joint preservation status techniques prp an ozone that can help you with the pain relief and also with the and also advent of the modern pain medicine. We have many many more regions helps you with the pain relief and even reverse is actually Pathology of the disease like we PRP is actually platelet-rich plasma.
We expect some of the blood from the patients processes it in real time and extract the growth factors and platelets from it in concentrated form and we inject into the joint into the inflected area it works miraculously the results are excellent. the other thing is ozone the Ozone is the wonder drug of the modern x. It is completely natural it does not have many side effects and Ozone is injected in and out of the joint and result regarding the pain is excellent it's fantastic. If you want to know more about the pain relief techniques regarding your pain you can feel free to contact me you can take an appointment with me from you can text me you can video call me.
Thank you.