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Last Updated: Apr 19, 2020

Psoriasis - How Homeopathy Can Tackle It?

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Dr. SwatiHomeopathy Doctor • 9 Years Exp.BHMS
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Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin disease in which the skin cells multiply at a rate higher than the normal. It can even be 1000 times compared to the normal rate. It worsens every winter as the skin becomes itches and even starts bleeding after scratching. However, psoriasis is not contagious meaning that it cannot spread from one person to another. In fact, psoriasis is not an infectious disease. It does not occur due to infection of any sort. That is why it does not spread from one person to another.

The general belief is that Psoriasis is incurable. However, this is not true. Homeopathy is far more effective in the treatment of psoriasis and these homeopathic medicines are completely natural and do not contain any chemical compounds at all, unlike allopathic medicines. The homeopathic remedies do not intend to suppress this inflammation. In fact, they intend to correct the cause that has resulted in this indiscriminate cell division and also the inflammation. Once these two things are set right, the symptoms disappear on their own.

Homeopathy does require some patience on the part of both the patient and the doctor to get good results in the homeopathic treatment of psoriasis.
Remedies for the homeopathic treatment of psoriasis

  1. Graphites is one of the best homeopathic remedies for psoriasis with constipation. In such cases, the patient cannot tolerate cold easily. There may be thick sticky discharge from the eruptions. In some cases, eczema may also be present with psoriasis. In female patients, there may be a disturbance in the menstrual cycle too.
  2. Mezereum is helpful in case of psoriasis on the scalp. In such cases, thick and leathery crusts cover the head and there is pus beneath these crusts.
  3. Arsenic Iodatum is given in the case where patches of psoriasis occur with multiple colours. The scales are usually large in size.
  4. Sepia is recommended for psoriasis with foul odour from the eruptions and the affected area of the skin. It is a deep acting medicine and should not be repeated often.
  5. Thyroidinum is considered one of the best homeopathic medicines for psoriasis with obesity. In such cases, the itching gets worsened at night. It is a remedy for chilly and anaemic patients suffering from dry impoverished skin along with cold hands and feet.
  6. Arsenic Album is an excellent psoriasis remedy in which psoriasis gets worsened by cold and better by warmth.
  7. Sulphur is considered helpful in various skin manifestations
  8. Kali Brom is helpful in case of syphilitic psoriasis whose symptoms include skin cold, blue, spotted corrugated, large, indolent, painful pustules.
  9. Kali Ars is given in case of patches on back, arms and elbows and scaly itches.
  10. Radium Brom is helpful in treating psoriasis of penis, itching eruptions on face oozing and patchy erythema on the forehead.
  11. Other natural and alternative remedies can also be resorted to including Naturopathy, Herbal medicine, Yoga, Ayurveda, Acupressure etc.
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